The Question …

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
"Talk of questions of the day! There is only one question for every one—and that is the gospel."
So wrote the Honorable W. E. Gladstone, several times prime minister of England. The statement is a remarkable one to come from the pen of one who was thoroughly acquainted with all the "questions" of his day.
But is it true? Ask the sick man from whose bedside the doctor has just turned away with a grave face. He has but a few days to live. What question commands his interest to the exclusion of every other? If he is wise, he will reply, "The gospel." No question of business, wealth, prospects, friends, amusements can compare in his estimation with that of the gospel.
The great question, then, for you is: How do you treat the gospel? You may treat it in one of three ways. You may either (1) reject it; (2) neglect it; or (3) accept it.
The wise course is to accept the gospel as God's gracious message to you. Flee to the Savior of whom it speaks. At this very moment the forgiveness which it proclaims shall be yours. Neglect it and you will just as surely be lost forever.