The Quotation

“O generation of modern thinkers, you will have to eat your own words and disprove your own assertions. You will have to confute each other and yourselves, even as the Moabites and Elamites slew each other. It may even happen that your infidelities will work themselves out into practical evil of which you will be the victims. You may bring about a repetition of the French Revolution of 1789 with more than all its bloodshed; and who will wonder?
“You some of you calling yourselves ministers of God, with your insinuations of doubt; your denials of future punishment; your insults of the Gospel; your ingenious speeches against the Bible, are shaking the very foundations of society.
“I impeach you as the worst enemies of mankind. In effect, you proclaim to men that they may sin as they like, for there is no hell; or if there be, it is but a little one: thus you publish a gospel of licentiousness, and you may one day cue the result.
“You may live to see a reign of terror of your own creating; but even if you do, the Gospel of Jesus will come forth from all the filth you have heaped upon it; for the holy Gospel will live as Christ lives, and its enemies shall never cease to be in fear.
“Your harsh speeches against those who preach the Gospel; your bitterness, and your sneers of contempt all show that you know better than you say, and are afraid of the very Christ whom you kill.”