The Reality of Christ Jesus - a Person

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 9
You ask: Did Christ really live? That is one thing that all agree upon—that this Person who claimed to be the Son of God really lived here on earth, among men.
We know when He lived: from about 5 or 6 B. C. until about 30-32 A. D.
We know where He was born: in Bethlehem of Judea, a real town, not a mythological one. We know where He lived for most of the years of His life—in Nazareth, in northern Galilee. There He worked as a carpenter.
We know many of the characters of His day—their names appear in other historical writings outside of the Bible: Herod the Great, his son Herod Agrippa, Salome, Pontius Pilate, Tiberius Caesar, Gamaliel, Felix, Festus.
Every history of the ancient world, every encyclopedia, records the fact that Jesus lived during the first century of our era. H. G. Wells has a contempt, indeed a hatred, for almost every article of the Christian faith; but he is compelled to give pages to Jesus of Nazareth in his Outline of History.
All dates of history are now designated by the letters B. C. and A. D., both of which refer to the time of the birth of CHRIST—not Plato, not Julius Caesar, not Mohammed.
Millions in each generation have had their lives gripped and changed by the firm belief that Christ has given the world the most perfect revelation of God, the only gospel that does deliver men from the power of sin, the only assurance of forgiveness of sins, the only positive hope of life to come.
Christ has done more to lift and empower the ethical standards of men than all the philosophers of Greece combined. Among all the great men of history, He "is above all."
Jesus Christ lived!
And now "He ever liveth to make intercession for them" who believe on Him. (Heb. 7:25).