"Drithelm, whose story is related by authorities no less than Bede and Bellarmine, was led on his journey by an angel in shining raiment, and proceeded in the company of his guide towards the rising sun. The travelers arrived at length in a valley of vast dimensions. This region, to the left, was covered with roasting furnaces, and, to the right, with icy cold, hail, and snow. The whole valley was filled with human souls, which a tempest seemed to toss in all directions. The unhappy spirits, unable in the one part to bear the violent heat, leaped into the shivering cold, which again drove them into the scorching flames which cannot be quenched. A numberless multitude of deformed souls were in this manner whirled about and tormented, without intermission, in the extremes of alternate heat and cold. This, according to the angelic conductor who piloted Drithelm, is the place of chastisement for such as defer confession and amendment till the hour of death. All these, however, will at the last day be admitted to heaven; while many, through alms, vigils, prayers, and especially the Mass, will be liberated even before the general judgment." Any one may see at a glance the intention of this vision. It is skilfully drawn up, so as to act powerfully on the fears of the serious, to increase the power of the priesthood, and to secure large legacies for the church.
And is this the place, we may ask, to which holy mother church sends her pious and penitent children? Yes; and it is only the justified that go there. Those who die under the guilt of mortal sins go straight to hell, over the gloomy gates of which is written, "There is no hope." How dreadful the thought of purgatory must always be to every devout mind! As an illustration of this, we may mention that we happen to know at this moment a young lady who has lately embraced the Catholic religion, or, as the term is, "gone over to Rome." She is rigidly devoted to the church, fresh in her first love, but evidently winces at the thought of purgatory. "I believe I shall go there," she will say; "I hope to go; for as I cannot pretend to be good enough to go straight to heaven when I die, I must pass through purgatory; but I may not be more than five hundred years there." There is no doubt of her being a true Christian, and justified from all things; but such is the blinding power of Satan through the papal system. We can only rejoice that ere long they will be happily undeceived, according to many portions of the word of God; such as—"Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.".... "Absent from the body, present with the Lord.".... "Today shalt thou be with Me in paradise.".... "Having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better.".... "The beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom.".... "Thy sins, which were many, are forgiven." (Col. 1:2; 2 Cor. 5; Luke 23; Phil. 1; Luke 16:22)
It is perfectly plain from these passages, and many others that might be quoted, that the same moment the soul of the believer leaves the body it is present with the Lord in the paradise of God—surely the happiest place in all heaven. What then can be the object of the Romish church so to pervert scripture—so to deny the efficacy of the blood of Christ, which is said to cleanse the believer from all sin? To answer this question, the mind must comprehend and grapple with the very depths of Satan.