The Rescued Cat

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
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It Was a Cold evening with blowing snow and the temperature well below the freezing point.
“Listen. I hear a fire engine!”
We quickly went to the window. Dark smoke was rising above the houses on the next street. We put on warm clothes and walked in the direction of the smoke. Sure enough, an apartment building was on fire! Some of the people who lived in the building were looking on, watching their belongings go up in flames.
The question on everyone’s lips was, “Is anyone still in there?” Firemen broke windows, intending to check, but smoke poured out and prevented them from going in. They could only hope that everyone was out.
We watched the fire fighters with their water hoses until later that evening. The next morning we walked back over to see what was left. The building was still standing and there were icicles hanging everywhere.
Firemen could not go into the building until morning. To their amazement they heard cries from a terrified cat! They searched for it by following its meowing. One of them opened a kitchen cupboard, and there was the unhappy, confused cat, almost too cold to meow any longer! You can imagine how happy that cat must have been to get warm again!
When the firemen found the cat, it wasn’t curled up asleep in that kitchen cupboard, not caring that it was frightened, cold, and hungry. It was meowing good and loud! It wanted to be rescued. And we would warn boys and girls, and grown-ups too, who are still in their sins not to ignore their danger. If no one had found that poor cat, it would have frozen to death. And anyone still in their sins faces an awful penalty “The wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23.
There is One who cares about you and wants to save you from that awful penalty. You only need to call to Him, the Lord Jesus, admitting that you are a sinner who needs to be saved. He promises, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13.
Will you let the Lord Jesus rescue you?
“Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13