The Result of Disobedience

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A GROUP of merry schoolboys started off on a Saturday morning to sail their boats in a stream some distance off. Strict orders were given by their parents that on no account were they to bathe, as there were many deep and dangerous pools in the stream. For several hours the boys enjoyed themselves with their boats, but when it was mid-day, it became so hot, that one proposed “a swim.”
At first, the other boys refused, but after much persuasion, with the promise that “no one would tell” the whole of them stripped, and plunged into the water.
One immediately disappeared. His brother scrambled on to the bank, gave a loud cry for help, which brought three men from a field close by. One of them at once threw off his coat, and dived into the pool, and Sam was brought up unconscious and laid on the bank. In an hour he was in his own bed, and soon recovered, but he never forgot that day.
“As I was going down, my disobedience and other sins came flashing across my mind; it was awful, but nothing to what it will be when a sinner goes down to the pit with memory awakened” said Sam, who is now a Christian, and in preaching Christ often tells this story of his early days. Reader, are you safe in Christ?
“Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.” Col. 3:20.
ML 11/01/1925