The Sandwich Generation

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 7
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“We then that are strong ought to
bear the infirmities of the weak.”
Romans 15:1
“Bear ye one another’s burdens.”
Galatians 6:2
Many of us know what it is to be part of the “sandwich generation,” pressed between the needs of the generation below us and the generation above us. Our children have many needs, and sometimes as our parents age they have many needs as well. We must not neglect our husband’s needs, either! It all takes wisdom and energy. It can be daunting to be a caregiver as well as a wife and mother! But Psalm 4:1 (JND) states, “In pressure Thou hast enlarged me.” He can give us rest of spirit even when we feel we aren’t getting enough rest of body. God can show us the right balance between our husband, children, and parents, and also between the needs of those dependent on us and our need for rest. In it all, He always gives us reasons to be thankful.
It is good when those who are available offer help to caregivers, and appropriate for caregivers to ask for help. “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me” (Matt. 25:40).
Mum washed the dirt from my small feet,
And as she washed, she prayed,
“Lord, keep them ever pure and true
To walk the narrow way.”
She washed the dirt from little hands,
And earnestly she asked,
“Lord, may they ever yielded be
To do the humblest task.”
She scrubbed the clothes that soiled so soon
And prayed, “Lord may her dress
Throughout eternal ages be
Thy robe of righteousness.”
And now I wash my mother’s face,
And as I wash, I pray,
“I’m glad she told me Jesus’ blood
Could wash my sins away.”
I rub some lotion on her feet,
And as I rub, I pray,
“I thank Thee, Lord, for keeping her
So long in Thine own way.”
I wash and dry her soiled clothes,
And as I fold, I pray,
“I’m glad we both will wear Thy robes
Unspotted in that day.”
I set her meals before her now,
And as I cook, I pray,
“I thank Thee for the bread of life
She fed me every day.
“She cared for me for many years,
And now the joy is mine;
I thank Thee I first learned from her
Thy way of love divine.”
— Barbara Ryberg/BJI