The Sandwich Man's Confession.

PATROLLING the streets of one of the London suburbs was to be seen some years ago C —, the sandwich man, whose thoughts often took a religious turn until he became a professing Christian. But, sad to say, it was religion without Christ; he was trusting in himself, his religious observances, his struggling’s and strivings, to make himself better, instead of distrusting himself and believing whole-heartedly on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Eight years passed away, and the writer was informed of the fact that C — was dying, and invited to call and see him. We found him reduced to a skeleton by that dreadful disease, consumption, gasping for breath; but what a change spiritually! No mention of his goodness now, instead there were shouts of praise to the Saviour whom he had now learned to trust, and prayers for his unsaved relatives. In broken sentences he confessed that he had been trying to be good, and professing to be a Christian, but, said he, there was nothing in it. “Now I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep and save me. And if anybody comes to see me I tell them about my Saviour, because I want my Saviour to be their Saviour too.” He also testified to the unfailing goodness of God in providing for his temporal needs, in that, although the parish only allowed him the sum of two shillings weekly, with a little food, yet he had not been allowed to want for a single penny. “My Saviour provides for me, and I know He will never forsake me. I know He never will,” he added with emphasis.
Some scriptures were read to him speaking of the precious blood of Christ, and of the value God sets upon the finished work of His own dear Son, and that the sinner who simply rests on that finished work is saved forever, because the Saviour went into the sinner’s place, bore the punishment in his stead, and satisfied the righteous claims of God.
“Yes,” he added, “I believe that, and I’m trusting Him entirely, and wherever you go, give them old C— ‘s testimony that I’m a happy man. I’m saved, and going to heaven, and I want my Saviour to be theirs.”
A few days later and our friend the sandwich man was called home to be with his Lord. To the last he bore a bright testimony to the saving grace of God.
My reader, from this dying bed we appeal to you. Are you trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ alone for salvation, or are you, like many others, who come to their law keeping, their places of worship, their works, but stop short of coming to Christ? Many are so occupied with the persons, the places, and the things of earth, that they appear to have no time or desire to know Jesus as their Saviour. Oh! sinner, awake to the solemn fact that you are defiled by sin, and that you need God’s salvation. Will you turn your ears away from the One who now speaks to you so graciously from heaven? We pray you, see that ye refuse not Him that speaketh. “For if they escaped not who refused Him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape if we turn away from Him that speaketh from heaven” (Heb. 12:25).
S. E. B.