IN Rev. 11 we read, that the two witnesses (Moses and Elias, as we believe them to be), the great Jewish lawgiver and prophet, will testify, during the 1260 days, or first half of Daniel's last week, to the coming of the Messiah, therein ministering to the remnant of Israel in the day of their sorrow. In the fourth verse of this chapter it is said, 6 THESE ARE THE TWO OLIVE TREES, AND THE TWO CANDLESTICKS STANDING BEFORE THE GOD OF THE EARTH," a passage which reminds us of Zech. 4, wherein we find a SEVEN-BRANCHED CANDLESTICK, fed by a 'constant supply of oil, from the two olive trees on each side thereof, and of which it is written, "THESE ARE THE TWO ANOINTED ONES [OR SONS OF OIL], THAT STAND BY THE LORD OF THE WHOLE EARTH.”
(Zech. 4:14.) Here again, as we believe, we me Moses and Elias, no longer on earth, as before, in Revelation 11., amidst a suffering people during the week, but in afar higher and more glorious position, even in heaven, in connection with Israel, symbolized here by the candlestick; at a further stage of their eventful and wonderful history. In Rev. 11 we read of their ascension to heaven, the days of their testimony on earth being finished; and in this fourth chapter of Zechariah we find how they will be subsequently used by the Lord, even in ministering to the earthly people of God during the days of the kingdom, much in the same way that the twelve apostles on their twelve thrones of glory will hold a peculiar position, even a heavenly place, in that day, in relation to Israel, symbolized, as we believe, by the angels at the twelve gates of the New Jerusalem, or heavenly city, of Rev. 21:12-14.
Observe here an interesting contrast between these two passages. It is this: in. Rev. 11 where their earthly position is set forth, the witnesses are spoken of as olive trees, and also as candlesticks, that is, they hold the twofold office of ministry and of testimony, to the suffering remnant, while in Zech. 4, which presents them no longer on earth, but in heaven, they are seen as olive trees merely; lightbearers no more, they have relinquished this part of their office to Jerusalem, the city of God in the land of Judea, which in that day will itself be the light of the world, the antitype of the seven-branched candlestick.