The Shark's Fin

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
I WAS ONCE sailing on the Pacific Ocean just off the Mexican Coast. One day when the sea was very calm I saw what seemed to be a long, sharp-pointed knife come ring above the surface and cutting the water, while it kept up with the ship for an hour or more. Upon looking closer, I saw that it was the fin of a shark that was following us, ready to catch any one or anything that might fall overboard. It was very large, and had cold cruel eyes, as it glided noiselessly along, watching for a chance to do some terrible work.
So I thought that great enemy of souls, Satan, follows people about, hoping to seize them in some unguarded moment, and drag them down to destruction. He is in the waters of sin; however pleasant they may seem, it is dangerous to trust yourself to them. The only place of safety is aboard the good ship of salvation on which Christ Himself sails.
“Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.” Prov. 29:25.