The Sin of Korah

 •  5 min. read  •  grade level: 6
GOD had made Aaron His high priest; and had appointed Aaron's sons the priests of His people Israel. He had ordered their sere vice, and given them a peculiar place near Himself. Because of this, jealousy filled the heart of a great prince of Israel named Korah, and he and other famous princes rose up in rebellion against Moses and Aaron. They cried, "Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them: wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the Lord?" (Num. 16:3.)
Now, the Lord had lifted up Aaron to the honor of the priesthood; he had not called himself. God puts up whom He will, and jealousy is a great sin. "For envy" the great men of their time delivered Jesus to be crucified. And now that our Lord is in heaven, seated in glory, exalted there by the will of God, the High Priest for God's people on earth, woe to the mighty prince among men who dares to question His sole right to His exalted place on high, and to all the honors which belong to the Lord in virtue of His being the Great Priest before God.
When Moses heard the words of Korah, he fell upon his face. He told him how God had separated Korah and the Levites for the service of the tabernacle, and for standing before the congregation to minister to them. He reminded Korah of God's favor in thus giving him a place to serve Him in the holy things, and then asked, “Seek ye the priesthood also? For which cause both thou and all thy company are gathered together against the Lord: and what is Aaron, that ye murmur against him?" (Num. 16:10, 11.)
God gives His servants, great and small, a place and service for Him. Seek in humility to do that and to be that, which God has appointed. Be no more, be no less than what God has made you. To be more, is pride; to be less, presumption. True humility is being that which God, in grace, has appointed us to be.
While God has made His servants on earth what He has pleased, He has reserved for His Son in heaven the high priesthood. None can trench upon this honor of the Lord without sinning against God. Jesus Christ in heaven is the High Priest of His people. Let us honor Him where He is. "What is Aaron that ye murmur against him?”
Christ in heaven cares for each one of us who are His. He ever liveth to make intercession for us. All God's people are upon Christ's heart. Every care, every burden they bear is graciously considered and tenderly dealt with by Him, Are you in difficulty? Do you feel very weak and ignorant? Christ knows all your care, and gently leads you. He is before God on your behalf. He is in the presence of God for us.
Do not question this for one moment, dear young friend. You love the Lord, you know He put away your sins, and, therefore, that your sins are put away forever. But you feel tried oftentimes. Perhaps you know not what to do, nor even what to think. Now, comfort your heart in the assurance of the present care of the Lord in heaven for you, a poor pilgrim, on earth. Christ in heaven as surely intercedes for you before God as He died for you on the cross of Calvary. Many a hard thought about God would fly from your soul if you only considered, Christ is making intercession for me.
He succors them that are tempted, we read. He was a man on earth, and learned by suffering what obedience is. Having suffered, being tempted, He is able to succor them that are tempted. Just as a loving nurse runs swiftly when the little lonely child cries, and hastens to succor it, so the gracious, tender Lord on high cares for His little weak ones here!
Aaron was busy continually for Israel. His day's work was to bless them. Unceasing care and toil for Israel marked the lives of Moses and Aaron in the wilderness. Yet Korah murmured against them. Perhaps when you grow older you will better understand this. You may live to see people jealous of those whose only care is to serve them for Christ's sake. But the sin of Korah was a sin against the high priest of God's appointment, and a crime against the counsels of Jehovah.
In our picture we see Korah and his company before the tabernacle. Moses is speaking with them. They have their censers in their hands, with fire in them. Ah! those censers should speak of sweet savors, and of perfume, such as Jehovah loves. Alas! the clamoring princes are full of their own thoughts. They are full of themselves and their honor, and sad, terribly sad, must be their end. They little know how angry Jehovah is with them for their wicked words and ways.
God seems at times to allow people to go on and on in a wicked, willful course till their sin comes to a terrible head, and then it is too late, and sudden destruction comes upon them. Oh! beware of the beginnings of evil. Beware of the first step on the downward road. Every step takes the transgressor further and further from God. Korah had evil thoughts in his own heart to begin with, and he went on till he got two hundred and fifty princes to sin with him. Sin grows like a great rolling snow-ball as it hurls itself down hill to destruction. (To be continued.)