The Soldiers of the Cross

“This is the Victory... your faith.”
They heard no sound of trumpet,
No shout of rallying men;
But a “still small voice” awoke the soul,
And God was near them then.
They heard not war’s wild music peal,
Nor saw proud banners wave;
But an unseen presence cheered them on,
And Christ the watchword gave.
No earthly weapons did they bear;
No martial glory crowned
The brows of those who fought for God,
But angels camped around.
And foes unseen by mortal eyes,
Arrayed in darkness deep;
Withstand the path of those who pray,
And menace those who weep.
But mightier than the cannon’s roar,
Is prayer’s prevailing breath;
And eyes that weep, can see in heaven
The power that conquers death.
H. W.