The Soldier's Treasure

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 6
A company of soldiers were gathered together for a social hour. One of them, though young in years, had seen considerable service and could tell some interesting tales of his travels. He was asked what he considered the most wonderful event of his history, and here is the story.
It was during the Great War. I was walking near my trench one day when I saw a young soldier—even younger than I—lying on the ground intently reading a book.
"What book is that you are reading?" I asked.
"My Bible," he answered.
"Oh," I said, "I have read that Book! It never did me any good. Give it up, man, give it up.”
"Listen to what I am reading," he answered quietly.
"'Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also' This is from John 14, and to me it is a most blessed portion of a precious Book. No, I could never give it up; why, man, if you knew what a treasure my Bible offers, you would not want me to give it up.”
As he spoke, I could not but note that the very light of heaven shone on his face. I walked away, deeply impressed by his evident sincerity.
A few moments later a bomb burst near the place I had just left—the spot where I had talked to the young lad. Wondering if he was safe, I ran back when the dust had cleared away. There lay his poor body with the head completely severed from it. But I also saw, sticking out of the breast pocket of his jacket, his TREASURE, his Holy Bible.
With a feeling of awe I withdrew the Book from his pocket and placed it in my own. Surely a Book that could give such evidence of joy as I had seen on the face now still in death, was worthy of being read with deep respect. I felt sure that my comrade had gone to that happy home above, the anticipation of which had delighted his soul so short a time before.
In a very different frame of mind than formerly, I read that dead boy's Bible. John 14 became my daily portion, and God blessed it to my salvation. In it I found the Way, the Truth, and the Life—I found the same Savior that the departed one had known and loved. Indeed, that precious Book became my own treasure and constant companion.
Why do I tell you this as the most wonderful event in my life? Because through this incident I was brought to believe on Jesus and in God's blessed Word—a Book that is able to make one "wise unto salvation." It is His message to the soul. It has furnished me with the needed instruction to prepare me for a better and happier sphere when I leave this world, and it gives me daily help, comfort, and courage to face the many trials on the road to the Father's house.
Friends, I pray you to take God's Word as your own guide, your treasure, and to receive His Son as the Savior of your soul. By delaying till tomorrow you may miss the opportunity to be saved. Accept the Lord Jesus now and you too will be prepared for that happier world.