"The Spirit of Jesus"

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
" The Spirit of God" shall descend below
Prophecy's valley His power shall know. (Ezek. 37)
Abraham's seed shall arise and sing
Myriads blessing their Priest and King:
But while that seed in their graves still lie (Ez. 37:10-14.)
The children of grace in their stead now cry. (Rom. 11).
Write, Lord on our hearts thy name so fair,
"The Spirit of Jesus " ascended on high,
Breathes on the vale where the dead now lie. (Ex. 37.)
Under His breathing the heralds of peace (Acts 2)
In faith, love, hope, and labors increase. (Acts 4)
Write, Lord, on our hearts Thy name so fair—
"Jehovah-Shammah"—the Lord is there.
"The Spirit of Jesus " ascended on high,
Breathes on the vale where the dead now lie.
Write, Lord, on our hearts Thy name so fair—
"Jehovah-Shammah"—the Lord is there.
" The Spirit of Jesus" ascended on high,
Breathes on the vale where the dead now lie.
Shall cry as they gaze on the Lamb once slain—(1 John 1.; Rev. 5)
Write, Lord, on our hearts Thy name so fair—
"Jehovah-Shammah"—The Lord is there.
" The Spirit of Jesus" ascended on high,
Breathes on the vale where the dead now lie.
Now a reviving of grace is begun, (Acts 2).
The fathers, the youths, and the children share (Jo. 2.)
Write, Lord, on our hearts Thy name so fair—
"Jehovah-Shammah”—Lord is there.
"The Spirit of Jesus," ascended on high, Breathes on the vale where the dead now lie