The Spread of the Gospel in Foreign Lands Argentine Republic, S. A.: Part 3

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Dear Christian Friend:
Last month I was able to make a visit to G. P. This was a town I had wished to visit for some time, but there were hindrances. The Lord had also laid it on the heart of an Argentine pastor, to go at the same time. He had already made his plans to go on the same day that I was going, so we joined company, and I feel confident it was beneficial.
We had a most hearty welcome from the man I went to see, and also from others whom he had been able to interest in the gospel. Our time there was fully occupied in visiting people that were ready to hear the message.
During this visit, I was able to put to the test the advantage of sending tracts through the post, because I called on many families who had received them, and apparently they had been read, and appreciated in many cases. It is a good preparation for opening up new work, and introduces the gospel where no effort is made. Then when a worker is able to visit a town, he has some people who know what he preaches, and are more ready to receive him.
Already I have a long list of persons scattered all over the country to whom I can send tracts, mostly those living out of reach of any other worker.
With Hearty Christian Greetings,
Yours Sincerely,
F. N, L.
Chili, South America.
Dear Brother in Christ:
Just a word of thanks to show you that we are thankful for sending us so regularly those 50 "Mensajes de Amor" in Spanish. May God richly bless you in your labor of love-more than ever before-to the honor and glory of His dear Name.
Whoever the donors are outside of yourself, and you wish to manifest to them our gratefulness, do so, and tell them eternity alone will reveal the good done.
We are laboring on the border of a great volcanic uprising-strikes, etc., etc., are the order of the day. Nobody respects law and order today, as they formerly did, and what will the end be? Well, we look for Jesus, the only true deliverer. Brethren pray for us.
Yours in Him,
H. W. F., and all here.
Tegucigalpha, Honduras, Central America.
July 20, 1920.
Dear Brother:
I wish to make grateful acknowledgment of two or three packages of "Mensajes de Amor," which are very welcome. The paper impresses me very favorably; the illustrations are attractive for these people and the print and paper are fine.
I sincerely trust that your resources are such that you can keep up the donation, and I wish you may be able to send like packages to these four persons When you can add something about the Second Coming, I will be pleased.
Yours fraternally,
I. H. C.
La Carolina, Jaen, Spain.
Dear Miss:
I gratefully acknowledge the receipt of your welcome periodical "Mensajes de Amor." They are most excellent. I rejoice very much at this gift, and in your work. It is a very valuable periodical for the Sunday school, and also to take with me when I visit the homes of the people, and it is so nice to have something new every month. I will gladly let you know if I meet with any interesting incidents connected with the distribution of it. I cannot visit much this very hot weather.
We know the work is hard, but when we think of the value of human souls, which art forever lost without Christ, it gives me courage to work. The time is short and we need to buy up every opportunity in view of the near coming of our blessed Lord Jesus. The seed sown cannot be lost, for it is God that giveth the increase.
Many thanks to you, and I thank God for your help. With love in Christ-
Believe me,
Affectionately yours in that blessed hope,
Miss J. C.
Santa Cruz, Teneriffe, Canary Islands.
My Dear Miss:
We received a package of your papers last week, and were very glad to get them. Thank you for all the papers you have so kindly supplied us with, and if there is anything I can do in return for all your kindness, I will gladly do it.
I had written to seven or eight different people about a paper adapted to children, and prayed much over the matter, and my surprise was great when the answer to my prayer came from a servant of the Lord unknown to me, or to Pastor B., who is as much pleased with the paper as I am.
Praying that God may bless you, and the circulation of your little paper, I remain,
Yours in the Master's service,
Miss K. V. S.
Honduras, Central America.
Dear Sir:
For some time I was receiving your paper, "Messages of Love" in Spanish. A paper which pleased me very greatly, but of late it has ceased to come.
I would desire that you send me as many as a hundred a month, if this is possible. Here the work stretches out before us and our forces are so insufficient, we stand appalled, seeing the need, understanding perfectly well the condition of our field, and feeling unable to meet the conditions. We are but four-two native men, myself and a native woman-who can give our attention to evangelizing this district that includes 120,000 lost souls, and requires seven days to pass over, no matter in what direction one desires to travel. Yet we manage some way or other to get the gospel to every creature in this district, if not once in twelve months, at least once in 18 months. Our strength sometimes threatens to give out, but we keep on, secure in His promise, "As thy days so shall thy strength be," and Isa. 40:31 never fails to re-animate us.
Yours in the Master's Service,
A. J. G.
(Translated from Spanish.)
Yucatan, Central America.
Very dear Sir:
This is to convey to you my gratitude for the various numbers of the "Mensajes de Amor" which you have had the kindness to send me. The copies of this periodical above mentioned have had a most hearty reception among the people here, and the numbers which you have sent, have been insufficient for the hundreds of Christians who desire to read these beautiful papers. Therefore let me request you to send me at least 100 copies each month, or each time it comes out. I will enclose a small check to aid you in the work, and I will send more. Hope that you will be able to comply with my request, I remain your true servant,
J. T. M.
(Translated from Spanish.)
Dear Brother in Jesus Christ:
The reading of "Mensajes de Amor de Dios" has interested me much, it is good for children from four to 100 years of age. The plan of salvation is presented with simplicity and this is important here in this Republic, a vast country needing the "Messages of Love." If you could favor us with some copies monthly we should be very pleased to distribute them, and follow them with our prayers to God our Father.
With Christian Love.
Yours in this work till the morning,
P. J. S
(Continued from page 221.)