The Stork.

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
WE HAVE before us, this week a very good picture of storks and their nest. It is a common thing for them to build their nests on some high chimney or steeple; but, no doubt, this is not their natural place, for when they are far from cities, towns or villages, they build their nests in trees.
The stork is one of the few birds which appears to be quite dumb. The way in which it supplies this lack is by a clapping noise made by the long, horny beak, and this only when greatly excited, especially by the approach of a dog. It never makes use of its formidable bill offensively against any of its companions, even submitting peaceably to being taken up without much struggle. From the manner in which it is observed to search the grass with its bill, there can be no doubt that reptiles form part of its natural food; even mice, worms, and the larger insects. When searching in thick grass or in the mud for its prey, the bill is kept partly open; by this means it can take an eel in a pond with great skill. A small eel has no chance of escaping when once aroused from its lurking place in this way.
The flight of the stork is extremely high, and they fly in large flocks, in some instances numbering many thousands.
It is very beautiful. The color is pure white, with the exception of a few feathers, which are black. The skin around the eye is black, the eyes are brown, and the beak, legs and toes red. The length of the full-grown bird is about three feet six inches, and when erect, its head is about four feet from the ground.
This is another opportunity for us to think of God’s wisdom and power as Creator. Yet God is going to burn up this beautiful creation; He shall cause it to be melted with fervent heat. Do you know why God will do that? I expect some of you can answer. It is because of everything being spoiled by sin. So God will not leave a trace of the scene where sin is, and He will make new heavens and a new earth, where sin and all its results will never enter.
The way in which this will be accomplished is by Jesus having died for sin, and thus redeemed those who believe in Him, and He will bring such into this new creation. May you remember, dear children, that the only way you can have part with the Lord Jesus in that new creation, is by simply believing in Him as the One whom God sent to die for your sins. Thus He will make you sharer with Himself in all the victory He has gained over sin and all its effects.
ML 01/09/1916