The Strong-Jawed Wolf

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 8
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"I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth His life for the sheep. But he that is a hireling, and not the shepherd... seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth." John 10:11,12.
Wolves make their homes in the forests, tundra and prairies of North America, Europe and Asia. They look much like a German shepherd dog. A big wolf will be more than six feet long and weigh 175 pounds. They have been equipped by the Creator with broad heads, powerful jaws and strong limbs. A pack of them can bring down an elk or a horse.
The gray and timber wolves are most common, often gray, brown or black in color, but in the far north their thick fur is usually white. The red wolf, smaller than the others, is not always red but sometimes tan or black. All live in groups of 6 to 20 and are loyal to each other, fiercely protecting their territory. One among them wins the place of leader by defeating the others, which sometimes show their respect by rolling over or crouching on the ground when he or she comes near. When a kill is made, all wait for their leader to eat first.
Wolves show much skill in hunting—two or three families often banding together. Finding a herd of caribou they seem to pick out which one to go after, usually a very old or very young one, or one that is injured or sick. When the herd panics, this weaker one drops behind and becomes an easy prey while the strong, healthy ones escape. This may seem cruel, but such sudden death is more merciful to the weaker ones than leading a sick and painful life and slowly dying.
Imagine the surprise of mountain sheep trying to escape a pack of wolves by climbing a steep, rocky cliff only to find some of the pack have circled around and are waiting at the top. Moose are tougher to fight, kicking the wolves with their hind feet and slashing with their sharp front hooves. But the wolves know this and try to make them run, for a moose can't kick when running, and then they attack. Those most successful in resisting wolves are the musk-oxen. You may recall an earlier article telling how these defend themselves by forming a tight circle with lowered heads and horns facing out. The wolves can't break this defense and will only attack a musk-ox when it is alone.
In spite of many stories about wolves stalking and attacking people, it is very unusual for them to do so, but they, do go after farm animals with the result that they are hunted and killed by ranchers and others.
While we can see how these animals are given their skills and provisions by the Creator, we also see in them a picture of that which is evil, as expressed in the opening Bible verses. The Lord also said "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." Matt. 7:15. We need to ask God to remind us of-the truth of His Word and not pay any attention to the "false prophets" who do not speak the truth.