Most of you boys and girls have spoken over the telephone to some one who was at a distance. Is it not very wonderful to be able to speak to a person who may be thousands of miles away, and hear him, and he hears you as plainly as if in the same room.
Once a little girl I knew, discovered the furnace pipes red hot, and the house likely to take fire at any moment. Daddy and Mother were at a meeting where the Lord was being spoken of, and what was our little friend to do? Why, telephone to Daddy at once! This she did, and he told her how to check the furnace, and soon the danger was over. How good it was in this time of trouble, to speak right into the ears of her Daddy, even though he was a dstiance away.
This makes me think of another “telephone,” that is more wonderful than any made by man. Do you know of what I am thinking? Prayer is the Christian’s telephone, and by it we can speak right into God, the Father’s ear. O, what a wonderful ‘phone that is!
If we are God’s children by faith in Christ Jesus, we may use this ‘phone at any hour of the day or night. It is never “busy” as our earthly telephones sometimes are: the line is always open.
“The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and His ears are open unto their prayers.” 1 Peter 3:12.
More wonderful still, the Lord somimes answers before we call, for He says,
He invites us to use our prayer-telephone often. He says,
“Call upon Me.” He loves to have us speak to Him, as our earthly ‘Daddy loves to hear our voices. He says, “Let Me hear thy voice.”
So, in our joy or sorrow, let us use our “Royal Telephone.”
ML 03/25/1945