While looking at the telephone today, I was thinking what a wonderful invention it is. It has a bell which rings to tell me when someone wants to speak to me. It has a mouthpiece to speak into and a receiver to listen to the other person talking. Both the mouthpiece and the receiver are part of a small unit that is easy to hold.
However, with most telephones it is impossible to hear the person calling until you pick up the receiver and put it to your ear. It is the same way with God’s Word, the Bible. Before we can hear what God has to say to us, we must first pick it up and read it. There are many homes which have a Bible, but it is not read. God wants to speak to us through His Word, but we must open it and read it.
Just like the telephone has a bell to call us, God also calls us, so that we will listen to Him. He calls us softly at first, perhaps through Father or Mother or through our Sunday school teacher or perhaps through this Sunday school paper. Then, if we do not listen He may call us again, this time a little louder. If we still do not listen, He may have to call us in a way we do not like, perhaps through sickness or an accident. Just like the ringing of the bell gets our attention, God is also trying to get our attention. Don’t ignore Him. He has a wonderful message of peace and love for each person, young or old, who will listen to Him. In Matthew 11:28 we read His message to sinners: “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Are you listening to His voice?
It is not only to those who are not saved that God speaks. He also speaks to those who know Him as their own Saviour, just like a father speaks to his children. He tells us through the Bible of His wonderful home in heaven where we can live with Him forever. While we are on earth, He shows us His love in many ways every day. He also tells us how His children should behave.
Right beside the telephone receiver is the mouthpiece. They are very close. You cannot pick up one without the other. This is the way it is when we talk with the Lord Jesus. Not only does He speak to us, but we can speak to Him as well. We can talk to Him in prayer anytime and about anything. Sometimes we just want to thank Him for everything He has done for us; other times we have problems to talk to Him about.
What a wonderful God and Father we have! He has given us His Word to help and guide us. Let’s remember that, like the telephone, we will not hear the message unless we are willing to listen. May each of us who know Him as our own Saviour be able to say, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee.” Psalms 119:11.