IN the Apostle Peter’s last epistle, as his life and ministry drew to a close, the Holy Ghost reveals three different and distinct judgments as impending, though reserved. The first of these judgments is told in 2 Peter, 2:4, where we read, “God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them unto chains of darkness, to be
There is no redemption for them, no atonement, no way for them opened back into that divine presence and enjoyment they have forfeited by their fall; Christ took not upon Him their nature; God spared them not. Into hell they are cast down, bound with darkness as with chains, awaiting the judgment, future and final, unto which they are reserved. What this reserved judgment is Scripture does not reveal; what the deeper doom can be of those who were once angels bright in the presence of God, holy, praising, beautiful, is now unknown. It shall be known in that day when the judgment reserved will be fully awarded.
In the ninth verse of the same chapter we read, “The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation, and to
As the atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ for sinners is of infinite value, as the redemption obtained by Him is eternal, so the punishment revealed in this Scripture as reserved unto the Day of Judgment for the unjust, or unbelievers in that redemption is also eternal. What a thought!
Punishment reserved, awaiting infliction from the hand of a just God, in that His day or time of judgment: Whose offers of mercy, then forever past, have been unheeded, Whose redemption, then no more to be had, has been unaccepted; Whose way of salvation, then forever and forever closed, has been neglected!
The way is open now. Salvation now is free to all through simple unfeigned faith in the Lord Jesus. Then He will judge and condemn.
Then it is that men will seek for death, but death shall have forever fled from them. Eternity before them, and no escape, no relief, no hope. Oh! the untold, infinite, eternal blessedness of having part in the first resurrection, of which our Lord himself is the first fruits (1 Cor. 15:23), and which none but the “holy” can share (Rev. 20:6). Are you amongst that number? Do you love the thought of His appearing, feeling confident you will be one of those who will rise to meet Him in the air? Or is it a subject which, making you feel your unfitness troubles your conscience, and which you would willingly keep out of your thoughts? Alas for your if it be so. Satan is making you neglect and doubt truths he himself believes and trembles before. Oh, precious, unconverted soul! take now the salvation God has provided for you in Christ, whereby you shall be made meet to be partaker of the inheritance of the saints in light.
In the 7th verse of the third chapter we read, “But the heavens and the earth that are now by the same word are kept in store,
This is the third and last time judgment reserved is revealed in this epistle.
When shall this be? When shall take place this awful conflagration, lighted by the hand of God, and which he alone can put out? At “the Day of Judgment and perdition of ungodly men” (ver. 7).
There is nothing men without God dread more than the thought of the judgment that is reserved for this world. It will be their time of perdition.
It is the consciousness of this makes scoffers say all things continue as they were from the beginning. They would fain think so. They count the Lord slack concerning His promise. Their ignorance is willing, not knowing that his long-suffering reserves the impending judgment, for He is not willing that any should perish.
In that day, when heaven and earth shall pass away, those who are Christ’s shall be found of Him in peace, because without spot and blameless, (ver. 14). They have won Christ, and are found in Him, and so are without spot in the day of that divinely searching fire, blameless in the eye of Him who otherwise judges to condemn.
The Holy Ghost closes this testimony with words of warning admonition to believers, “Ye, therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware, lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness” (ver. 17). They are in full consciousness of all that is reserved in judgment for this earth, and are called to walk accordingly, “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory for ever and ever” (ver. 18). It is the parting word of the Spirit of God—grace, knowledge, glory.
Grace, that won you in the beginning, now leads you on in the knowledge of the One to whom, throughout eternity, will be all the glory. You began with a look, the look of faith and love.
Go on with a look day by day; do not withdraw your eyes, and your last will be one long, unending, eternal look, forever and ever, at the blessed Saviour, whom you will see face to face.
R. B.