DENIS and Percy had dirty hands; they could easily have made them clean by using soap and water, but perhaps they were used to having them dirty and so did not mind it.
The lady in a shop they went into minded it very much, especially when they began to finger her nice clean things. They came in to ask if she would give them some books, and though she had to tell them about their hands, and that they must not touch the Bibles and Hymnbooks that were lying on the counter, she gave them two leaflets with pictures on the covers to take away with them.
Before they went the lady asked them if they could tell her what it is that can wash a sin-soiled heart clean, and these boys either could not or would not tell her. Having sin-soiled hearts seemed to trouble them as little as dirt-soiled hands, and when they got outside they tore up one of the leaflets and threw the pieces on the pavement.
Denis said Percy did it, and Percy said Denis did it; but God saw, and He knew which it was that told the lie.
Poor Denis, poor Percy, with sin-stained hearts, sin-stained hands, and sin-stained lips!
What about your lips, your hands, your heart?
"What can wash away my stains?—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!—
So that not one spot remains?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus! "
"Wash me, and I shall be whiter than
snow," Psa. 51:7. E. E. S.
It comes to you in this little book. Why not accept it now?