The Tree and the Spring.

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I had been reading the 37th Psalm; and the 35th verse reminded me of a fearful storm, which I saw, when I was a child. Near the orchard path there was a fine tree standing, the branches of which, were many feet from the ground, and a massive evergreen top, whose long limbs had seen the storms of many years; but this Summer’s night the clouds gathered so dark, and the deep thunder spoke fear to our hearts. The storm grew more severe and a bolt of lightning seemed to cleave the earth. In the morning, we looked—and there, instead of our fine old tree, was only a tall white post, broken and peeled. All about it lay the great, green boughs. The fire of the lightning had ruined it. Is not that like the wicked? “I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree. Yet he passed away, and, lo, he was not; yea, I sought him, but he could not be found.” Dear children read the 37th Psalm and see what is written there about the righteous and the wicked. Now look at what is written for us in Isa. 58:11. “And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones; and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.” Is not that precious? Do we not see His long hand so tenderly caring for us? Do our hearts get filled with gratitude to Him? You know He wants our love and He must have it if we are His. In the morning after the storm, I ran to the spring for cold water for breakfast. The storm had not disturbed it. It was ever the same, so pure and cold and clear, in the cleft of a rock beneath the hill where the storm had ragged the night before; this is like that blessed One,— “The same yesterday and to-day, and forever.” Do not forget to read the 104th Psalm. H. B.
ML 10/01/1899