The Tree of Life

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 7
IN our previous papers we have briefly traced the various dealings of God with this earth. We have seen the Morning of Innocence lasting for a brief period, and characterized by (1) The Tree of Life and the Tree of Responsibility,
Next the period of (2) Thorns, a time of unrestrained wickedness, when lawless man gratified his sinful lusts.
Then (3) The Wild Olive, beginning from the time when God swept the earth in judgment by a flood.
After that the (4) Root of the Olive, or God's call of Abraham.
Then the (5) Cultivated Olive, Fig and Vine, or God's dealings with the Jewish nation, under various aspects, to prove whether it was possible to obtain any good from man. Afterward (6) The True Vine, or the personal ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ Him-self, which terminated by His being nailed to the cursed tree.
This we saw was followed by (7) The Mustard Tree, or God's dealings during this day of grace.
Then came (8) The Forsaken Bough, or the awful state of those who are left behind when the Lord comes.
After that, again, the (9) Seven Trees, setting forth the perfection of blessing for the earth during the personal reign of the Lord Jesus Christ during the millennium.
We have now one more tree to look at—a tree, however, in no way connected with this poor, sad earth of ours. It is “THE TREE OF LIFE, which is in the midst of the paradise of God."
No enemy can ever enter that lovely scene, or mar the beauty and usefulness of that fair and ever-blooming tree. Satan and his angels and his poor deluded followers will be in the lake of fire; Christ and His loved ones will be in a scene far surpassing in loveliness man's earthly paradise. It will then be seen how grace has triumphed—gloriously and blessedly triumphed!—in bringing lost sinners into a state of blessedness far higher than Adam could ever have known.
You will notice that there is only one tree in that lovely place above. In the earthly paradise there was another—the Tree of Responsibility. What has become of this? You will recollect that the Lord Jesus when on earth was compared to a tree, and as such took upon Himself all the broken responsibilities of His people, and believers can say, " He Himself bare our sins in His own body on the tree." The question of sin and its consequences is forever settled for those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. They shall never come into judgment. Christ has borne all judgment due to them. He took their place on the cross, and now opens to them the paradise of God, where they will be forever with Himself.
There He will ever be the sustainer of the life He has already imparted to those that believe. They live because He lives. His people will ever be dependent on Him. He will ever be their food.
Most blessed to hear Him say, "To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God." Blooming there for all eternity! My reader, will you be there? Have you turned to Him?
Remember He has said, "Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire." If you are still unsaved, and will be honest with yourself, you cannot but own that your life has borne no good fruit for God. Oh turn then, I pray you, to the only One, Christ Jesus, who can make the tree good, and may it become true of you that you are “a tree of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He might be glorified." H. N.