THERE is one blessed and divine fact which it is the privilege of every believer to know; and not only to know, but to have as a truth ever before him, and to hold in divine power in the soul. It is this, that there is at this moment one, and only one, Blessed Man on the Throne in glory, who has met every claim, fulfilled every requirement that God, a holy and righteous God, had against us as sinners. (Heb. 1:3.) This, and this alone, is the ground of every believer's present acceptance before Him. (Eph. 1:6.)
So perfectly and to His entire satisfaction, has all been done by that Blessed Man now in glory (His own Beloved Son), that God Himself can righteously give to us a title to be in His own presence, in spirit now, up there; and a title, too, to be caught up to that glory for which we wait (1 Thess. 1:17), and in hope of which we now rejoice(Rom. 5:2); a title to be forever with Him who has done it all, and has gone into the place which He has prepared, and where He is waiting to receive us to Himself. (John 14:3.)
Such is the perfection of the work of Christ, that no part of it has to be done over again (Heb. 9:25, 26); but He has gone in and has sat down (Heb. 10:12) —a proof that redemption is accomplished, and that the work is done to the full and eternal satisfaction of Him who gave it Him to do. (John 17:4.)
God has therefore taken that wondrous Man, who, on the cross, was the object of scorn and contempt, and a gazing stock for men, and placed Him on the throne of glory. The highest seat in glory is occupied at this moment by the Man who gave up His life upon the cross. (Acts 2:32, 33.)
The way back to God, which was closed before, is now thrown open (Heb. 9:8), and by faith in the blood of Jesus we go into the very place where He sits down. (Heb. 10:19, 20.)
As priests to God (Rev. 1:6), our privilege and service are to abide there as continual worshippers before Him. (Heb. 13:15.)
“Blessed are they that dwell in Thy house, they will be still praising Thee." T. M. W.