The Unwanted Book

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Have you a Bible? If so, do you read it? The Bible, you know, is God’s message to you, and He wants you to read it.
I heard of a man in Morocco who bought a Bible, but he didn’t read it—he only bought it to help the colporteur who was selling them! It was left lying around his home, and at last was picked up by a visitor, who, finding it was not wanted there, took it home to read it herself.
She soon found it had a message for her, and going to a Christian man nearby, asked him to help her understand it. Together they read the Word of God, and she heard fur the first time of God’s love to ruined man, and of His sending His Son into the world to die for sinners. She saw too, what a sinner she was in God’s sight, and that if she wished to be made fit for His presence, she must take His offered gift of salvation through faith in Christ. This she did and was soon rejoicing in her Saviour.
She could not keep such good news to herself, and soon several others of her family were brought to know the Lord.
ML 01/01/1950