June 4th, 1916, award of Victoria Cross to 3156 Private A. H. Procter, for most conspicuous gallantry. Private Procter, noticing some movement on the part of two wounded men who were lying in the open in full view of the enemy at about seventy-five yards in front of our trenches, went out, on his own initiative, and, though heavily fired at, ran and crawled to the two men, got them under cover of a small bank, dressed their wounds, and after cheering them with the promise of rescue after dark, and leaving with them some of his clothing for warmth, regained our trenches, again being heavily fired at. At dusk both men were brought in alive.
The above is the official record, the reading of which accompanied the bestowal of this most coveted distinction on my dear friend Arthur Procter. Only a few days before this incident he had, with another Christian comrade to whom tracts were often sent, been giving them away in the trenches, when his officer exclaimed, “What is that you are giving away, Procter?” “Books, sir!” “Give me one then; I’ll read it this evening.” Whether this promise was fulfilled no one can say, as early the next morning the officer was killed in a gallant attempt to shield his men from an explosive hand grenade. (The tract was subsequently found in his pocket.) For this act of bravery, the officer was recommended for the V.C. Now none need to be told that the verse is not to be had for money! That riches cannot purchase such an honor! In the terms of the order, “Conspicuous gallantry” is the qualification. “The performance of some signal act of valor in the presence of the enemy.”
My reader may here remark that in the official record “Most conspicuous gallantry” occurs, thus marking out the recipient as one of the bravest of the brave, as indeed he is, and withal a bright Christian.
Now, dear friend, read on and hear how Private Procter was called straight from the trenches, to be presented to His Majesty King George, and personally decorated by him with the verse on the battlefield. “Very good indeed,” remarked His Majesty as after having heard the official record read, for which the decoration was granted, he shook hands with the recipient, and pinned on his breast the Victoria Cross, the Prince of Wales handing him at the same time a case to keep it in. “I am very proud of you,” added Sir Douglas Haig, the Commander-in-Chief of the British Forces, giving him two hand shakes, Marshal Joffre, the French Commander-in-Chief, meanwhile looking on in silence.
“The finest thing I have ever seen,” Procter’s officer went on, and the consensus of opinion of the various newspapers which recorded the brave deed for which he was thus decorated was that his escape from death was nothing short of miraculous. And yet what was the secret of it all? Let me tell you as Arthur told, it to me.
“I was sitting asleep in the dug-out, about mid-day,” he said, “when I was awakened by a voice shouting through the periscope that there was a soldier (it afterward transpired that there were two) moving between the two lines. This seemed to me like a message from God, and on going to see what was happening, I observed a soldier who was believed to be dead moving his arm. Feeling a strong desire to go to his assistance, I looked up to God for His protection, and help, and then feeling so confident of His shielding power and knowing that all is well with those that put their trust in Him, I left my steel helmet in the trenches (mark this, dear reader) and proceeded on my errand, in full view of the enemy.” (The rest is described in the official record.)
“More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of,” wrote one of our poets. And this truth is reechoed in the life of every prayerful Christian each day. A Seaforth Highlander once told me that in the retreat of Mons, when almost exhausted, the knowledge that many at home were praying for him again and again put new life into him. George Eliot once wrote, “The greatest gift a hero leaves his country is to have been a hero.” Yet as I write this sentence with a verse lying in front of we, I am thinking of the owner of one of these coveted distinctions who was reduced to poverty, and compelled to sell most of his home and personal belongings in order to buy food for his destitute wife and children, even his verse (the very last thing a soldier will part with) being pledged for a small sum at a neighboring pawnshop for the same purpose. Sic transit gloria mundi. Well said the poet:
“Your gold will waste, and wear away,
Your honors perish in a day.”
What a blessed thing to be in possession of that which endureth forever, and to add:
My portion never can decay,
Christ for me!
Thank God, the Christian can look up with the eye of faith to the throne of God and see there the very self-same Saviour, God’s beloved Son, who once hung upon the cross for his (the believer’s) sins, and can sing:
“God’s sovereign grace to us has given,
Whilst pilgrims here below;
A share in all the joys of heaven,
And Christ as Saviour know.”
Fellow-believer, you have read this little story, the recounting of which my friend Arthur desires with me may redound to the glory of God. The words of the Lord Jesus, “Occupy till I come” (Luke 19:13), are ringing in my ears as I write this; the time is short, may it be ours to seize every opportunity of serving Him whilst awaiting His return. when His welcome voice will be heard on the cloud shouting every ransomed soul up into His blessed presence to be like Him, and with Him forever to His eternal praise (see 1 Thess. 4:13-18).
Unconverted friend, you, too, have read the story. Are you still going on in your sins, to be left behind when Jesus comes for His own, to be finally called from a Christless grave to stand before the Great White Throne, there to be judged and banished from God’s presence forever. “Because He (God) hath appointed a day, in the which He will judge the world in righteousness by that man (Jesus) whom He hath ordained; whereof He hath given assurance unto all men, in that He hath raised Him from the dead” (Acts 17:31).
Despite twentieth century blasphemy, and every kind of Christ-dishonoring doctrine now being taught, I solemnly assert on no less an authority than God’s own infallible Word, that there is no salvation, no title deed to heaven, save by faith in the precious blood of Christ. May the Spirit of God touch your heart now and cause you to honestly and earnestly repent of your sins and flee to Christ, the sinner’s Friend, and trust in what He has done for you at Calvary, and God’s Word for it, your sins will be pardoned, your soul saved, and you the happy possessor of eternal life.
“How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?” (Heb. 2:3). Who can answer this unanswerable question?
“Your soul must live, and live for aye,
Pause, think, and answer this:
Where will you spend eternity?
In endless woe, or bliss?”
J. J. P.
This incident can be had in tract form. Application to be made to J. J. P., 2, Canterbury Road, West Worthing.