The Way Home

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IS there anything more satisfying than the beautiful things in the realm of nature which God has provided for our enjoyment? Yes, for the choicest of things which appeal to the senses cannot give peace to the soul.
One day two Christian men were driving home from a meeting. On the way they overtook a young boy, walking slowly, and with an air of utter weariness and dejection. The men offered the boy a ride, but hearing that he had only a little way to go, the driver said, “Well, it is not worth while giving you a lift for that short distance,” to which the boy replied,
“O, no, thank you, sir, I’ll easily walk.”
After a few minutes the men stopped again and waited for the boy to catch up; for the Lord seemed to lay it on their hearts that the boy was downcast because he was not sure of heaven being his Home.
“Are you truly on your way Home?” one of the men asked,
“No, sir, I am not,” was the honest confession; and then as he was getting in the car with them, he added in a tone of anguish, “I must get saved. My sister was saved last night; my brother the night bore, and I am still on the broad road.”
“Well,” said the man, “if you are willing to be saved, Christ is far more willing to save you. You have but to come to Him, just as you are.”
Without another word, the boy fell on his knees, and prayed, “Lord Jesus, take me as I am. I am unworthy, but Jesus died—Jesus died.”
The plea was sufficient, the prayer was heard, and answered. After a few minutes silence, he said to the two Christians, “I am saved, won’t you praise the Lord with me?”
They did praise the Lord: they knelt by the way-side and thanked Him for His mercy and grace in bringing this dear one upon the “narrow way which leadeth unto life.” After they had exchanged farewells, the boy said, “I am on my way Home now, and I’ll go praising Him.”
Dear reader, remember there are two ways, one to the Home above, the other where there is weeping and wailing. On which are you going? Jesus died for you, if you trust in Him, then you are indeed on your way to the glory to be with Him for eternity. Of the other road it is written, “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Prov. 16:25.
If you are on the right road, the way Home, may your prayer to the Lord Jesus be, “LEAD ME IN THY TRUTH, AND TEACH ME: FOR THOU ART THE GOD OF MY SALVATION.” Psa. 25:5.