By the Editor
The Menace of the North.
“Out of the North an evil shall break forth upon all the inhabitants of the land.”―Jeremiah 1:14.
We look towards the north and we see civilization bound in chains of hopeless slavery. Men and women and little children looking with eyes of wild despair for help that long delays its coming. The Prince of darkness is brooding over the destinies of a world he had sworn to destroy―and lusting with the accumulated hatred of centuries for the bodies and the souls of men. Skies are darkening with the portents of a storm that shall rage in every land around the footsteps of the coming Anti-Christ. The eclipse of every hope that the natural man has ever cherished for life or death is at hand. Man who has lost all faith in God with lose faith in himself, and will become a mere unit in a vast confederacy among the nations against God and His Christ―against the Father and the Son. The fierce eyes of demons are watching the world today, and the times of inconceivable wickedness in which we live are the presage of the Apostacy, that shall lead to the awfulness of Armageddon, and the final judgment and destruction of the world.