The Wonders of God's Creation: Computer Birds - Part 2

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“[Noah] sent forth a dove.... But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark.” Genesis 8:8-9
Noah’s dove had no difficulty finding her way back to the ark. This is a little example of the billions of birds that migrate over vast oceans and lands throughout the world each year. One, the blackpoll warbler, travels a 4000-mile journey between the forests of North America and Brazil. One part of this trip is an 86-hour, non-stop flight over water! The golden plover travels 15,000 miles or more each year, and the bobolink travels some 6000 miles between Canada and Argentina.
What makes them migrate? One reason is they need a place with long days and enough food to raise their young. Both of these are found in the North where trillions of insects hatch just as the birds arrive in spring. The Creator has arranged this, providing them with needed food and, at the same time, controlling the insects that otherwise would destroy the land. Then, aware that winter is coming, the migrators time their flights south to escape the cold of winter. Birds are the best forecasters on earth and can tell weather changes long before men can.
Young birds seldom fly with their parents. It is amazing how they can accurately fly to their destinations without help from their parents! Only God could give them this ability.
It is not only in the migration along their normal routes that their instincts are revealed. Experiments with birds removed from their normal surroundings and set free elsewhere have amazing results.
A number of shearwaters were taken in covered cages from the coast of Wales to both Italy and Switzerland. Although they are water birds and not used to flying over land, when released, these birds rose high in the air, crossed the Alps and flew straight back home. A cowbird from Illinois was taken to Colorado and released. A month later it was back home. This same bird was later taken to Quebec and promptly found its way back.
Eggs of many birds have been incubated hundreds of miles from their native lands. When the young birds are released at migrating times, they always fly to the home of their parents rather than with the birds with which they have been raised. There they join their true relatives in their migration route established for them by their Creator. These experiments confirm that birds have God-given abilities to find their way, even when taken to strange surroundings.
The love of God points a way for us too—the way to heaven. His Word, the Bible, says, “Broad is the way, that [leads] to destruction ... [but] strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which [leads] unto life” (Matthew 7:13-14). The Lord Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). Have you put your trust in Him as your sure way to heaven?