“By Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible.” Colossians 1:16
Last week we looked at a few insects that have God-given abilities to conceal themselves from their enemies by various disguises, even though they are actually in plain view. Let’s look at a few more of them.
Some insects are protected, not because they are concealed, but because they look like others that are avoided because they are poisonous or have a terrible taste, and the predator can’t tell one from the other. One of these is the yellow and black tiger moth of Arizona that looks like a very distasteful beetle and so is avoided by even the hungriest bird or snake.
Another, the larva of swallowtail butterflies, looks like a vicious small snake. It has what look like huge eyes and a big mouth, but which are really only markings on a swelling on its body behind its real, but harmless, mouth. It doesn’t need to hide; attackers are scared away just by its deceptive looks.
Treehoppers, which suck juice from plants, look like thorns along the stems they feed on and fool birds, even when such plants may have no real thorns naturally. And the American katydid looks precisely like a spotted green leaf, while a grasshopper living in one of Africa’s deserts can instantly change its color to match pebbles on the ground wherever it alights.
Sphinx moths’ wings have a pattern that looks very much like the bark of trees to which they cling in daylight. Even if one is seen alighting, it seems to disappear if the eyes of the searcher are turned away for a moment or two.
The walking-leaf beetle of the Philippines lays eggs that look like seeds. When they hatch, the babies are the same color as the buds on which they feed. When fully grown, their bodies look like the leaves on which they then feed. In addition, their legs have yellow edges that look like leaves that have been nibbled. On a windy day they hang from a branch and move with the wind just as the leaves next to them do. How wonderfully the Creator has provided these safety features for the insects we have reviewed, plus many, many more!
The opening Bible verse assures us that nothing is invisible to Him who has created it. This includes every human being, and God has provided wonderful protection from Satan’s power for all who are in the shelter of the Lord’s love. Another verse assures us of this: “He that [dwells] in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1). When you trust in the Lord Jesus, you are sure of His loving shelter. Does He shelter you?