The Wonders of God's Creation: The Merry Rock Wren

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 4min
“Who is like unto the Lord our God, who dwelleth on high, who humbleth Himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth!” Psalms 113:5, 6.
In the deserts of the United States, Mexico and Canada the sweet song of the rock wren is often heard. Its brown colors blend in closely with the rocks of its desert home, helping to hide it among the boulders, sandstone cliffs and rocky hills.
What an interesting home the rock wren has! Their small nest is made of twigs, grass and plant stems, lined with shredded bark, dry grass, pieces of fur, etc. There is nothing unusual about its nest; it is the wall that is built beside its nest that is unusual. After the nest is built in a crevice or under a big rock, the mated birds gather small pebbles and rock chips. They use these to make a stone wall in front of the nest, leaving only a small entrance way. No doubt the Creator gave the wren this skill to help protect its nest from snakes, rats and birds of prey which would eat their eggs. Nearly always, they use the extra stones to make a paved pathway to the entrance, or they just pile them in a neat mound.
About six white eggs, speckled brown on one end, are laid twice a year, and in two weeks the chicks hatch out. The parents are attentive and protective, staying close by and bringing moths, spiders and other insects as food to the young chicks. An observer once counted over a thousand food trips in one day made by a mother wren for her little ones! Before they are big enough to fly, the parents lead them out on the rocks for exercise. If danger appears they immediately obey their parents’ signals to “freeze” or find a hiding place. Isn’t it interesting to see how God has put such wisdom in the parents?
The rock wren (the earliest bird out in the morning and the last one in at evening) has been given a long bill to reach food in cracks and under boulders. Its short legs have sharp-clawed toes, allowing it to cling upside down to overhanging rocks. Although it does drink water when it is available, it can get along without it, getting moisture from what it eats.
The rock wren is another excellent example of how the Lord God, the Creator, has supplied everything His creatures need. The Bible reminds us: “Thou openest Thine hand, and satisfiest the desire [needs] of every living thing.” Psalms 145:16.
The same One who watches over the little rock wren has His eye on you, too. In a special way His “delights [are] with the sons of men,” and He says: “Now therefore hearken unto Me, O ye children.... Blessed is the man that heareth Me.... For whoso findeth Me findeth life.... But he that sinneth against Me wrongeth his own soul.” Proverbs 8:31-36. These are serious, but wonderful words. The Lord wants you to know Him, not only as the provider and preserver of your life, but as the One to whom you may go as a needy sinner. He wants you to thank Him for taking the punishment for your sins on the cross, and accept Him as your own Saviour. Have you done this? “To-day if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts.” Hebrews 4:7.