The Wonders of Goes Creation

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The Agouti of Central America
“Many, O Lord my God, are Thy wonderful works which Thou hast done, and Thy thoughts which are to us-ward.” Psalm 40:5
Central America is home for many kinds of wildlife, including large and small animals. One of these is the agouti, also known as the guatuga. Most of these live in Costa Rica, but some live in South America as well.
The agouti is a harmless little rodent about the size of a rabbit. If it hears strange noises or spots an enemy such as a jaguar, coati, or vicious monkey, it gives a special alarm call to others nearby. At the same time it “freezes” as still as a statue, or will dash for cover, zigzagging through the trees. The Creator has provided it with strong legs which it uses to move quickly when threatened.
This rather pretty little animal with no tail has large, bulging eyes, a pointed head and blunt nose. Its long pink ears are always standing upright when the agouti is awake, which accounts for its keen sense of hearing. Generally it has light brown fur. Its chin and mouth are light in color, with darker legs, stomach and head.
The agouti usually makes its home in a sheltered spot under tree roots, between rocks, or in a hollow log. This peaceful creature hunts in daylight for its food, consisting mostly of wild avocados or other fruit, nuts, leaves, roots, or stems of tasty shrubs. Unlike most animals, its babies are already covered with hair when born; their eyes are fully open, and almost immediately they begin eating plants.
Natives consider the agouti a helpful friend because it aids in starting new trees to grow after a forest fire or damaging wind has raged through their part of the country. Since this animal likes acorns and other nuts, it buries large numbers of them in the ground, planning to return later to dig them out. But, like squirrels and chipmunks which do the same thing, it often forgets where some are buried. In a short time these take root, and soon new trees are started.
These rather cute little animals are another example of the wonderful works of the Lord God, the Creator, mentioned in our opening verse. We are told elsewhere that He is always looking over all His creation, caring for it.
But He has a special place in His caring heart for every boy and girl, man and woman, as this verse states: “And Thy thoughts which are to us-ward.” Yes, He has loving thoughts of you. Do you have loving thoughts of Him? He wants you to know His love and invites you to accept Him as your Saviour. Have you done this?
ML 09/09/1990