The Word as a Fire and a Hammer

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Is snot My Word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?” Jeremiah 23:29.
A corporal named F. was crossing the court of the garrison hopital. Suddenly he felt a blow on his shoulder. Thinking a stone had struck him, he turned about, and was surprised to see that it was a book that had been thrown out of the hospital window.
A nurse had found a patient with the book, tore it from him, and threw it out of the window. This poor nurse had no idea that the book—it was a New Testament—contained words of eternal life for her, and all mankind words through which man may become rich and happy.
Corporal F. picked the book up. He did not know what it was; he had never before had a Bible in his hands. He began to read, and soon his heart became deeply moved by God’s Word. Inside the cover of the Testament was written the name and address of a believing teacher C. who had the privilege, through God, of preaching the Gospel among the soldiers, and God had acknowledged his labor by abundantly blessing it.
F. sought him out, and C. instructed him in the Word of God. Thus the corporal found peace with God, became a true Christian, and through him many of his comrades, as well as his own aged father, were converted to Jesus.
The Word of God had not only smitten him outwardly on the shoulder, but also sank deep into his heart; so that his whole life was altered.
Up till then he had gone through life without God, and without hope; now he saw the mountain of his sin and guilt separating him from God; but he saw also that the Lord stood for him, to save him out of his lost state, and to give him eternal life. The Word of God shone as a clear light into his heart, and the love of God conquered him.
“The word of the Lord endureth forever. And this is the Word which by the gospel is preached unto you.” 1 Peter 1:25.
ML 03/07/1943