The Writings of Moses

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When the Lord Jesus was on earth and wished to make plain to people that He was the Christ, the Messiah, who had been promised, He began with Moses’ writings to explain to them. We learn from this that God’s first lessons were written by Moses who lived many years before the Lord Jesus came. His writings are the first five books of the Bible.
Moses did not write what he thought; but what the Lord told him; much he wrote of happened before he lived,—all the book of Genesis. The Lord spoke directly to him and told him what to write. (Deuteronomy 34:10. 2 Peter 1:21).
You may hear sometimes that what was written so long ago is not likely to be true. But we may be sure that the One Who was Creator of this earth and all on it was able to have a true account written and to keep it safe. If God had not had the Bible written we would not know who made all, or what is right or what is wrong to do, nor of God’s love and care.
The earliest writings were not on paper but on rolls of skins. The ones first written by Moses are not in existence now. They were written in Hebrew and kept in the gold ark many years, always greatly prized by that nation. It is said that when any rolls became worn, they were so carefully copied, that if a mistake were made they wrote an entire new copy.
If you open the Bible to Psalms 119 you can see the Hebrew alphabet, one letter and its name before each eight verses (count how many letters). Notice how a tiny mark or curve makes one letter different from another, so the writings must have needed great care.
Psalms 90 is also a writing of Moses. Moses writings are quoted from many times in the New Testament, many times by the Lord Jesus Himself. He told men of Israel, if they had believed Moses’ wrings, they would have believed Him. John 5:46,47.
These are the names of the five books of Moses:
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.
ML 01/23/1938