"Flee for your lives! Leave quickly! Soufriere is going to erupt!" George Edwards could be seen going from hut to hut in the little village, crying out these words, warning everyone he saw: "Leave now, before it is too late!"
Even as he spoke, rumblings could be heard coming from the volcano towering four thousand feet above them. Smoke was billowing out from the peak, as it had been for some days.
George Edwards was a God-fearing man who had for years told these people of safety for eternity by trusting in the Lord Jesus. Now he had two messages of warning to the people. The first was God's message: "Flee from the wrath to come." Matt. 3:7. And, "Beware lest He take thee away with His stroke: then a great ransom cannot deliver thee." Job 36:18.
Now his warnings were doubly true. He was being paid by the government of the island of St. Vincent to watch the mountain and to give warning when it seemed ready to erupt.
During the past few days it was obvious that something was happening in the mountain. The quiet and peaceful area was disturbed by strange sounds and smoke and dust. However, after a few days the people became used to them and continued their work in their gardens and homes, that is, until Mr. Edwards came along with his disturbing cries: "Leave at once," he pleaded again and again. "It's not safe to stay!"
Some left their homes and gardens and fled, but many did not. It would be hard to leave everything, so they kept right on with their work. They said, "Ol’ Soufriere's OK. There's plenty of time!"
At last George Edwards dared wait no longer, and he fled the town just before the mountain burst out in a burning, flaming eruption. Molten lava came pouring down the mountainside, destroying everything in its path. Down, down it came, two miles — three — right through the village without waiting for any now as they tried to flee. Almost 2,000 people were swept into eternity: some killed by the poisonous gases, many trapped in the super-heated lava as it flowed onward four miles and then out to sea. Then even the sea began to boil and the sea water turned to steam. What a tragedy! How heartbreaking, even for those who had fled, to have their homes demolished so suddenly — but they had escaped with their lives.
Those who remained behind in the village no doubt intended to leave in time, but put it off until it was too late. Have you done the same thing to God's message? Have you put off your answer to His loving invitation? Oh, don't delay!
"Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." 2 Cor. 6:2.
Don't delay, my friend; delay is dangerous. Come to Him NOW! The Lord Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross of Calvary. He will save you today, if you will only own your lost condition before Him and flee to Him for shelter. We can warn and plead with you, but YOU must take the loving Savior at His word. "Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out." John 6:37.