Do you go to Sunday school,” I asked a little girl.
“Yes,” she said.
“Do you know three wonderful words that Jesus uttered ot the cross?”
“I don’t remember them,” she replied.
“They were these, ‘It IS FINISHED.’ What was finished?”
“They haven’t told us about that,’ answered she.
“O,” I said, “all the work of Christ for sinners was done. Now there is nothing to do, and there is nothing to pay. Suppose you owed me $5.00, and one day I met you, and reminded you of the debt.”
“But I have nothing to pay you with,” you reply.
“Very well, I will pay that bill for von, What would you say to me?”
“O, thank you, sir!” I would say.
“Now, then, if you just believe that Jesus has died for you; not only to say Jesus died for US; for that will not do, but to believe that ‘Jesus died for ME,’ When you get home just thank Him for doing all the work needed for your salvation for YOU.”
God’s terms are just as simple as put to the dear young girl; they are for each clear boy or girl who reads these lines; as it is written,
“When they had nothing to pay he frankly forgave them.” Luke 7:42.
ML 01/07/1945