Thirteen Years

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
It has been estimated that the average person talks for about thirteen years of his lifetime. That is a long time to talk, but even more important than the number of words we say is the content of our communication with others. Words can change a life for good or ill. They can destroy hope, erase happiness, assassinate character and betray the spirit. As well, they can be vehicles of blessing conveying comfort, encouragement, joy and assurance. So the words we speak should be carefully chosen.
With words we may attract people to Christ or drive them away. Our words are loaded with our spirit and they convey our spirit. Hence the words of some people bring blessing, while those of others chill the heart.
Angry words are the fuel that makes the flame of youth blaze more fiercely. Hasty bitter words can never be unsaid. Trivial, idle gossip causes much unnecessary pain and heartache.
How can we make sure our words will heal instead of hurt? Matt. 12:34 says, "For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." If the heart is right, our words will be right.
It is the teaching of the Word of God that "every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment." In the light of the fact that so much of our time is employed in idle talk and silly chatter, we need to give more serious reflection to our use of speech.