One day in the summer I was taking a walk through a beautiful park. There were large trees along the road, and seats under some of them. On one of the seats a little girl about four years old was sitting, with her nurse and baby brother, and just as I passed she was carefully holding up the little one, and bending down trying to teach him to sing, “Jesus loves me-, this I know.”
Very sweet it was to hear this dear child’s voice as it rang out the words distinctly, and it made one feel that, young as she was, she really did know the love of Jesus. There was no uncertainty or doubt in her voice; she was quite sure of it, and the stress of her baby voice fell on the words, “This I know.”
As I passed on, those words, “This I know,” rang in my ears, and very glad I was that I too could say, “Jesus loves me, this I know.” So I want to pass these little words on to you, dear children.
Fist let me ask you, What do you know? In John 9:25 we read of aman who could say,
“One thing I know.”
You may know a great deal that may be learned from books; but can you say, “This I know, that Jesus loves me?” You have, no doubt, sung the words in Sunday school; but deep down in your hearts do you know it? But if you have never thought about it, nor cared to know it, yet it is true, and you may know now that Jesus loves you. When He was on earth He took little children in His arms, and blessed them, and said,
“Suffer little children to come unto Me”; and He is the same loving Saviour in heaven today. He died that you might te saved, and be in heaven with Him forever. There is a verse says,
“He loved me, and gave Himself for me.”
Could there be love greater than this? Just open your little heart to the blessed Saviour’s great love, and believe it, and then you will sing rejoicingly,
“Jesus loves me, this I know.”
But some child may say,
“I am so naughty; Jesus cannot love me; I must try to be good first.”
No, dear little one, Jesus loves you just as you are. He came into the world to save sinners, because of His great love to them. He is waiting to save you, and make you happy forever; so do not wait to be better, but come now, and trust His love.
How can you know that Jesus loves you?
It is not by looking into your own heart to see if you love Jesus, that you will ever know His love, but by believing what God tells you in His Word of the love of Jesus. Then you will be able to say,
“We love Him, because He first loved us.” John 4:19.
May each dear boy and girl who reads this be able from their hearts to say,
Jesus loves me, this I know,
For the Bible tells me so.
ML 07/26/1942