A CERTAIN man, on the Malabar coast, having inquired of various heathen priests how he might make atonement for his sips, was directed to drive iron spikes, sufficiently blunted, through his sandals, place his naked feet thereon, and so walk four hundred and eighty miles. If through loss of blood, or weakness of body, he should be obliged to halt, it was permitted him to wait for healing and strength. The benighted man undertook the journey; but while he rested under a large shady tree, where the gospel was sometimes proclaimed, one of the missionaries in that country came and preached from the words, The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin. 1 John 1:7. In the midst of the discourse, the man suddenly rose up, pulled off his torturing sandals, and cried out, “This is what I want!” He afterwards became a lively witness that the blood of Jesus Christ does, indeed, cleanse from all sin.
ML 12/01/1904