The writer of the following is now laboring for his Lord amongst his comrades in Ireland, and I pray may be a someone who is still on the broad road. I was so glad to send Testaments and tracts through Dr. Wreford, who was ill at the time, and my friend writes: ―
“I do pray for him; I am sure his heart would be cheered if he could see the faces of the men and their joy when they receive a Testament and some tracts. Some refuse, but very few. Death is facing these men here, and they realize that they are in need of something.”
There may be a heart who reads this who also feels a need, and although the war is over, is faced with death, and after death the judgment. My friend continues: ―
“May God open their eyes to see their true need of a Saviour. I saw a notice a day or two ago: ‘Keep out of here. This means you.’ It startled me at first, but I afterward thought about the building being mined, and so was dangerous. Now supposing any one, disregarding that notice and warning, went in and was killed, who could they blame but themselves? No one; and so I thought of the danger signals God has given in His Word from time to time (Job 36:18, Prov. 29:1, 27:1). Yet men totally disregard, and go on from day to day exposed to danger and eternal punishment. Thank God I can say with a poor cripple I know, ‘I was told to trust in the blood, and I did so,’ and from my heart just now I can say, ‘I was a guilty sinner, but Jesus died for me.’ Grand to be saved and know it, but it’s better to be saved and show it. God help me never to be ashamed of Him who purchased my pardon and made me free. I have the presence of my precious Lord, and that is enough for me. He is faithful. ‘Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me.’ It is sweet to know my Saviour lives; lives for me. It is sweet to know the One who lives is coming again. His coming is very precious to my soul. I long to see Him, whom not having seen I love.”
Are you ready to meet the Lord? The shadows of night are gathering quickly over the world. Soon the day of grace will close. Will you not flee for refuge to the One who saves “to the uttermost ‘all’ that come unto God by Him”? A. A. L.