The subject worked out for this month is—
“Children” as spoken of in Scripture.
We regret to say that there has been a falling off in the number of papers received this month, some to whom divisions had been allotted having found themselves unable from different causes to work out the subject; so that in one or two sections we have had but few papers, and we fear that the result may be somewhat imperfect. The subject is one of the deepest interest to all, especially when we consider that the young are particularly exposed to temptations, and that the loosening of natural ties is one of the signs which indicate to us the approach of the perilous times of the last days.
It may be that some have found the subject too difficult. We have wished for some time to be able to obtain the opinion of the Class on the subject that should be selected. The plan of asking each to suggest some subject has not succeeded, as the subject proposed has often been too vague or impracticable. We hope, however, next month to inaugurate a new plan that will be pleasing to all, and that is, to select four suitable subjects from those sent, and submit them to the Class generally, for consideration as to which of the four would be most generally liked. Thus next month the subject selected for July will be given as usual, but in addition four subjects will be named, and each member of the Class is requested to state when sending in their paper, which of the four he or she would prefer to work at, and the one found most generally acceptable will be the one given the month after (June) for August.
1. Statements and Precepts Relating To Children Generally.
Families in the sight of God.
“Thou and thy house,” Acts 16:31.
Noah’s faith leads to the salvation of his family, Genesis 6:8, 18; Hebrews 11:7.
God’s covenant is with Abraham and his seed, Genesis 17:6, &c.
Children, who have even only one believing parent, are “holy,” 1 Corinthians 7:14; Deuteronomy 4:40; 5:29; 30:2; Acts 2:39.
Dathan, Abiram, and their families are swallowed up by the earth, Numbers 16:27.
Achan and his family are put to death, Joshua 7:25.
Daniel’s persecutors and their families are cast into the den of lions. Daniel 6:24. Exodus 34:7; Numbers 14:18; Deuteronomy 3:6; 32:25; Job 17:5; Psalms 109:9, 10; Joshua 6:21.
Children generally.
Children are God’s gift, and as such, a blessing to their parents, Genesis 33:5; Psalms 127:5; 128:3, 4.
Fatherless children are the especial objects of His care, Exodus 22:22; Psalms 68:5 87:4; Jeremiah 49:11.
And should be cared for by His people, James 1:27.
Children share the fallen nature of their parents, Genesis 8:21.
Yet God can accept their praises, Psalms 8:2; 148:12, 13; Matt: 21:15, 16.
Children are exhorted
to fear their parents, Leviticus 19:3.
to honor them, Exodus 20:12; Matthew 19:19; Mark 7:10 Ephesians 6:2; Colossians 3:20.
to obey them, Proverbs 6:20; Ephesians 6:1.
to hear their instruction, Proverbs 1:8, 9; 23:22,
to obey God, Deuteronomy 30:2.
to remember God, Ecclesiastes 12:1.
Children should be careful not to bring dishonor upon their parents, Titus 1:6.
And should be subject to them, Galatians 4:1, 2.
Children are not to be despised, for the Son of Man came to save them, Matthew 18:10-14; 19:14; Mark 10:13-16.
Children will find profit in the knowledge of the Scriptures, 2 Timothy 3.15. But should remember that their knowledge is only that of children-limited, 1 Corinthians 13:11.
The manner in which the relationship of children to their parents is maintained is indicative of the character of the times, Mic. 7:6; Matthew 10:21; Mark 13:12; 2 Timothy 3:2, 3.
2. Passages Referring to Good Children
1. Statements and Precepts
Promises to such, Exodus 20:12
They observe God’s law, Proverbs 28:7
—show wisdom in hearkening to their parents, Proverbs 13:1.
—shall be blessed, Ephesians 6:3.
—show love to parents, Genesis 46:29.
—are a cause of joy to their parents, Proverbs 10:1; 15:20; 23:24, 25.
—obey parents, Genesis 28:7; 47:30.
—take care of parents, Genesis 45:8-11.
—honor the aged, Job 32:6, 7
2. Examples of Good Children
Isaac, Genesis 22:6.
Joseph, Genesis 37:13, 14; chapter 46.
Jephthah’s daughter, Judges 11:34, 36.
Samson, Judges 13:24.
Samuel, 1 Samuel 17:20.
David, 1 Samuel 12:24.
Solomon, 2 Samuel 12:24.
Abijah, 1 Kings 14:13.
Obadiah, 1 Kings 18:12.
Azariah, 2 Kings 15:3.
Joash, 2 Chronicles 24:2.
Josiah, 2 Chronicles 34:3.
Esther, Est. 3:20.
Job, Job 29:4.
Sons of Jonadab, Jeremiah 35.
Daniel, Daniel 1:17.
Hananiah, Daniel 1:17.
Mishael, Daniel 1:17.
Azariah, Daniel 1:17.
John the Baptist, Luke 1:30.
Timothy, 2 Timothy 3:15.
3. —Passages Referring To Bad Children.
1. Statements and Precepts.
With regard to their parents-
—are the cause of heaviness, Proverbs 10:1.
—are a shame and reproach to them, Proverbs 19:26.
—are a calamity to them, Proverbs 19:13.
—are grief and bitterness to them, Proverbs 17:25.
—they despise their instruction, Proverbs 15:20.
—are proud in Isaiah 3:5, and Job 19:18.
They are punished for—
—Setting light by their parents, Deuteronomy 27:16.
—Disobeying parents, Deuteronomy 21:20,21.
-Mocking parents, Proverbs 30:17.
—Cursing parents, Exodus 21:17; Mark 7:10. Smiting parents, Exodus 21:15.
—Gluttony and drunkenness, Deuteronomy 21:20,21.
2. Examples of Bad Children.
Ham, Genesis 9:20-27.
Ishmael, Genesis 21:9.
Esau, Genesis 25:32.
Joseph’s brethren, Genesis 37
Eli’s sons, 1 Samuel 2:12.
Samuel’s sons, 1 Samuel 8:3.
Absalom, 2 Samuel 15:10.
Adonijah, 1 Kings 1:5.
Children of Bethel, 2 Kings 2:23.
Adrammelech, 2 Kings 19:37.
Sharezer, 2Kings 19:37.
Manasseh, 2 Kings 21:2.