This Month's Subject: The Titles and Work of God the Father

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 13min
 •  9 min. read  •  grade level: 7
The subject for this month is-
The Titles and Work of God the Father.
We must testify to the very complete manner in which the subject has been worked out, indeed in many cases much more has been sent than it properly included, and hence we have felt some difficulty in arranging a result which will be thoroughly satisfactory to all.
The subject was intended to be limited to the work of God distinctively as Father; and while there are many passages, especially the Epistles speaking of the work of God where the context clearly indicates that the Father is referred to, still as it is not stated in them to be work of the Father as such, we have not included them.
In order however that the work done, which is not quite within the limits of the subject, may not be confined as to its usefulness to the individual worker, we have added a few of the most striking passages of the description referred to above.
The same remarks apply to the second part of the subject, "The Titles of the Father"; and here we have felt obliged to exclude much that those to whom this portion was allotted have most industriously, and as we are sure, to their own profit, searched out.
The Work of the Father in relation to Christ.
He testifies of the delight He found in Christ, Matt. 3:17;1 17:5; 2 Peter 1:17.
He delivers all things unto the Son whom He alone knows, Matt. 11:27; Rev. 2:25.
He is revealed by the Son, Matt. 11:26.
He has made Christ the Head of the corner, Matt. 21:42.
His will was that Christ should drink the cup of suffering and death Matt. 26:39; John 18:11.
He forsook Christ as the sin-bearer, Matt. 27:46.
He had work for Christ to accomplish, Luke 2:49; John 5:36.
His glory shall accompany Christ at His appearing, Luke 9:26.
He has appointed a kingdom unto Christ, Luke 22:29.
He sent His Son in love into the world, John 3:16; 1 John 4:14.
He loves the Son and has given all things into His hand, John 3
35; and shows Him all things that He does, John 5:20.
He has committed all judgment unto the Son, John 5:22.
He hath given to the Son to have life in Himself, John 5:26; and authority to execute judgment also, John 5:27.
He bore witness to Christ, John 5:37.
He sealed Christ, John 6:27.
His will is that none whom He has given to Christ should be lost, John 6:39.
He taught Christ what to say, John 8:28.
He honors Christ, John 8:54.
He gives the sheep to Christ, John 10:29.
He sanctified and sent Christ into the world, John 10:36.
He heard Christ, John 11:41.
He gave Him a commandment what to say, John 12:49.
He gave all things into Christ's hands, John 13:3.
He was glorified in Christ, John 213:31.
To Him sinners come by Christ, 14:6.
He who knows Christ knows the Father, 14:7.
He that has seen Christ has seen the Father, 14: 9.
Christ is in the Father, and the Father is in Him, 14:10, 11.
The Father speaks the words and does the works of Christ, 14:10, 11.
To Him Christ went on leaving the earth, 14:12.
He is glorified in Christ by answering the prayers of believers. 14:13.
To Him Christ prays, 14:16.
He gives the Comforter, 14:16.
He loves those who love Christ, 14:21.
He loves and makes His abode with those who keep the words of Christ, 14:23.
The word of Christ is His word, 14:24.
He sends the Holy Ghost in the name of Christ, 14:26.
He is greater than Christ (as man), 14:28.
He is loved by, and commands Christ, 14:31.
Christ kept His commandments and abides in His love, 15:10.
All things that He has are Christ's, 16:15.
He loves those who believe that Christ came out from Him, 16:27.
He was with Christ on the earth, 16:32.
He glorifies the Son and the Son glorifies Him, 17:1, 4.
He has given the Son power over all flesh and He has given to the Son those to whom He wills that the Son should give eternal life, 17:2.
The Son had the glory with Him before the world was, 17:5.
He gave men out of the world to the Son, 17:6.
All that He gave the Son was of Himself, 17:7.
All who are Christ's are His, and all who are His are Christ's, 17:10.
In answer to the prayer of Christ, He keeps through His own name those whom He has given to Christ, 17:11.
In answer to the prayer of Christ, He keeps His own from the evil of the world; and sanctifies them through the truth, 17:15-17.
He gave glory to the Son as Man, 17:22.
He loved Christ before the foundation of the world, 17:24.
He is known by Christ, 17:25.
The Work of the Father in relation to His people.
He rewards them openly, Matt. 6:4, 6.
He knows and supplies their needs, Matt. 6:8, 32.
He forgives those who forgive others, Matt. 6:14.
He gives good things to those that ask Him, Matt. 7:11.
He speaks by them, Matt. 10:20.
He reveals Christ to them, Matt. 16:17.
He answers their prayers, Matt. 18:19.
As compassionate, He requires that they should be the same, Matt. 18:35.
He selects their places in the glory, Matt. 20:23.
He gives the Holy Spirit to those that ask Him, Luke 11:13.
It is His good pleasure to give them the kingdom, Luke 12:32.
He honors those who serve Christ, John 12:26.
He is the husbandman of the true vine, John 15:1.
He takes away every branch that bears no fruit, and purges every branch that bears fruit, that it may bring forth more fruit, John 15:2.
He is glorified in the fruit brought forth by saints, John 15:8.
He gives all things to those who ask in the name of Christ, John 17:16.
He loves His own as He loved the Son, John 17:23.
The love with which He loves Christ is in the saints, John 17:26.
The work of the Father in relation to the World of Sinners.
He sends forth laborers, Matt. 9:38.
His will is that none should perish, Matt. 18:14.
He loved the world and sent His Son into it-for salvation and not for condemnation, John 3:16, 17.
He raises up and quickens the dead, John 5:21.
He judges no man, John 5:22.
His will is that all who see and believe on the Son should have everlasting life, John 6:40.
He draws men to Christ, John 6:44, 65.
The work of the Father generally.
He makes the sun to shine on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust, Matt. 5:45.
He feeds and cares for the fowls of the air, 6:26, 10:29.
He is kind unto the unthankful and the evil, Luke 6:35.
He reveals to babes that which He hides from the wise and prudent, Matt. 11:25.
He alone knows the hour of the coming of the Son of Man, Matt. 24:36, Acts 1:7.
He is perfect, Matt. 5:48, and merciful, Luke 6:36.
He seeks worshippers, John 4:23. He works in the world, John 5:17.
He gives true bread from heaven, 6:32.
He sends the Comforter, Luke 24:49, Acts 1:4; 2:33.
The work of the Father generally.
The Epistles.
From Him come grace and peace, Rom. 1:7, and the opening verses of most of the Epistles, except those to individuals where we generally find "grace, mercy, and peace."
By His glory He raised Christ from the dead, Rom. 6:4.
He is called "one God" in distinction to the many gods of the heathen, 1 Cor. 8:6.
To Him Christ yields up the kingdom having put down all opposition, 1 Cor. 15:28.
He is the comforter of those who are in trouble, 2 Cor. 1:4.
Paul's apostleship was derived from Him and Christ, Gal. 1:1.
It was according to His will that Christ gave Himself for our sins, Gal. 1:4.
He has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Christ, Eph. 1:3. (Read the whole of Chaps. 1, 2 and 3 for the circle of wondrous blessings conferred upon us by the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ).
To Him we have access by Christ, Eph. 2:18.
Of Him every family in heaven and earth is named, Eph. 3:15. He is above all, and through all, and in all believers, Eph. 4:6. He will be glorified in that every creature shall confess Jesus to be the Lord, Phil. 2:11.
The church is in Him, 1 Thess. 1:1.
Believers are elect according to His foreknowledge, 1 Peter 1:2.
He judges according to every man's work without respect of persons, 1 Peter 1:17.
With Him was the eternal life which has been manifested to us, 1 John 1:2.
With Him is our fellowship, 1 John 1:3.
With Him is our Advocate, Jesus Christ the righteous, 1 John 2:1. His love is not in those who love the world, 1 John 2:15.
Those in whom is abiding truth which is from the beginning, continue in Him, 1 John 2:24; 2 John 6.
He has bestowed such love upon us that we are called children of God, 1 John 3:1.
He bears witness in heaven, 1 John 5:7.
He has commanded that we should walk in the truth, 2 John 4.
He sanctifies His people, Jude 1.
To Him we are made kings and priests by Christ, Rev. 1:6.
His name is written on the foreheads of 144,000 who stand on Mount Zion, Rev. 14:1.
Passages in which, while the Father is not referred to by name, the context appears to indicate that the Father is meant.
"God whom I serve... in the gospel of His Son", Rom. 1:9.
"We were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, Rom. 5:10.
"God sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh," Rom. 8.3.
"He did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son," Rom. 8:29.
"He that spared not His own Son," Rom. 8:32.
"It pleased God... to reveal His Son in me," Gal. 1:15, 16.
"God sent forth His Son," Gal. 4:4.
"Hath translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His love," Col. 1:13.
"God... hath spoken to us by His Son," Heb. 1:2.
The Titles of the Father.
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Rom. 15:6.
God our Father, 1 Cor. 1:3.
Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 2 Cor. 1:3.
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 Cor. 11:31.
God the Father, Gal. 1:1.
Our Father, Gal. 1:4.
God of our Lord Jesus Christ, Eph. 1:17.
Father of glory, Eph. 1:17.
God and Father of all, Eph. 4:6.
The Father, Col. 1:12.
1. Where the same expression occurs in more than one Gospel, either the first one alone is referred to, or the one which appears the most striking
2. All the references that follow are from this gospel