A lifetime of eating . . . cannot satisfy;
A lifetime of looking . . . does not fill the eye;
And all of the listening . . . of years upon years,
Has never been known . . . to fill up the ears.
No heart has been able . . . to find peace and rest,
By searching this earth . . . for its brightest and best.
In all of creation . . . just one Source is known
That can meet every need . . . just Jesus alone.
With arms now inviting . . . all who would be blest,
He says, “Come unto Me . . . I will give you rest.
If you thirst, come and drink . . . of the water I give;
If hungry, eat the bread . . . from heaven, and live.
“This eternal life . . . is a gift free to all,
For the rich and the poor . . . the great and the small,
The wise and the foolish . . . the whole and the lame;
Whosoever may come . . . just call on My name.
“For no other name . . . has been given to men,
Whereby they are saved . . . from God’s judgment for sin.
All your sins, small and great . . . charged to your account,
When totaled up came . . . to a goodly amount.
“But fear not, for I . . . have paid the full cost,
And now there’s no need . . . that any be lost.
Hesitation is danger . . . don’t risk delay!
This offer of grace . . . may end with TODAY!”