359. Those Who Are Young, O God
Those who are young, O God,
Make them Thine own;
Hear from Thy blest abode,
Make them Thine own;
Now in their early days,
Turn them to Thy blest ways,
Save from the giddy maze,
Make them Thine own.
Those who are older too,
Make them Thine own;
Give them affections new,
Make them Thine own;
Now, in their manhood’s prime,
Now, in salvation’s time,
To Thee their hearts incline,
Make them Thine own.
Those who in years abound,
Make them Thine own;
Now may the lost be found,
Make them Thine own;
Soon must their journey end,
Fast to the grave they wend;
Father, their souls befriend,
Make them Thine own.
Then shall they happy be,
All made Thine own;
Shout then the victory,
All, all Thine own!
Satan shall lose his prey,
Mercy shall win the day;
Each shall with rapture say,
"All, all Thine own!"
Same meter: