Thou Shalt Call His Name Jesus.

 •  5 min. read  •  grade level: 7
So was the Messiah to be called, the Anointed of Jehovah. Israel did not appreciate it though never was a word more evidently inspired to meet the faith of any godly Jew, to rebuke the unbelief of "the many." To an upright Israelitish mind the genealogy of this chapter was as necessary as unimpeachable. Messiah must be in the line of Solomon; Joseph was, who was; husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus Who is called Christ or Messiah. If Joseph had a diving on by a former marriage, as some have dreamed, it would have destroyed the Lord's legal title, especially to a Jew. But God ordered all so that He should have every claim.
Again, the Messiah must be born of a virgin of David's house, according to Isa. 7, truly man but as truly God, to justify His name Immanuel, God-with-us. Had Joseph and Mary lived together, and their son been born naturally, the prophecy could not apply, and there had been none born to verify that name. GA if He pleased might deign to come of woman; if of man, the son could be only a man. Miraculously therefore did the eternal Word become flesh, and thus was but legally son and heir of Joseph, while really after the flesh of Mary, as scripture carefully proves.
But more than this, now was born the One Who gave to the name of Joshua, captain of salvation in his measure and day, its full significance. Jesus alone was Jah the Savior. For Jah is the name of the Eternal God absolutely, as Jehovah is His name relatively to man, that is to Israel in association with Him on earth. Jesus was the antitype of Joshua, the true Jah the Savior, "for HE shall save His people from their sins." He Himself should thus save, not from Canaanites now, but from sins.
Oh what glad tidings for sinful Israel to hear! But being righteous in their own eyes they felt not their sins and were blind to see the Savior from their sins. A Savior from the Romans, a Savior to subject to Zion all the nations, this was their cherished hope. It was all well for the heathen to find a Savior if they could, to cleanse them from their manifold defilements. But were they not the chosen people of Jehovah? Did they not now at least rest on the law, and boast in God, a guide of blind men, a light of those in darkness, an instructor' of the foolish, a teacher of babes? They need to be saved from their sins! They scorned the imputation. It might be well for publicans and sinners; but they repudiated any such humbling necessity for their souls, and rejected the only Savior of the lost.
But you say that this Savior is not for you, who are not of His people; and you cannot trust your soul to a vague or doubtful assurance, or to an inference which might be mistaken. Granted that, if this were all, a just question might be raised. But it is not all. The Jewish rejection of the Lord Jesus opened the door, that the saving grace of God might appear to all men. When our Lord alive sent out His servants, they were expressly not to go into a way of Gentiles nor to enter a city of Samaritans. They were to proceed rather unto the lost sheep of Israel's house. But when He died and rose, He as expressly charged. them to make disciples of all the nations, with Christian privilege and instruction. For the fall of Israel is the riches of the world, and their loss is the- gain of the Gentiles. The gospel is now of God to every creature under heaven, on the ground of the redemption that is in Christ Jesus; and thus a man is justified by faith apart from works of law. Hence God thus revealed is not of the Jews only, but of the Gentiles also.
Therefore, dear reader, the word of salvation is sent to you, as surely as it was to Israel. There is no valid excuse for hesitation. God sends His message of peace and salvation to all indiscriminately. His righteousness by faith in Jesus Christ is “unto all" and it is "upon all that believe." Certainly He looks for faith, without which it is impossible to please God. He commands all to repent and believe the gospel; and He assures all who believe that, as He is lust, so are they justified by His grace.
But when the Lord said in Mark 16:15,15And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15) “Preach the gospel [the glad tidings] to all the creation," He added, "he that believed and was baptized shall be saved; but he that disbelieved shall be condemned." Christ and His work bring in a final testimony, for God is there face to face with man. If I receive Christ, it is life eternal and salvation; if I reject Him, it is to my everlasting perdition. No one ever made it plainer on both sides than the Savior. He that believeth in Him is not judged; but he that believeth not hath been already judged, because he hath not believed in the name of the Only-begotten Son of God. And this is the judgment, that the light hath come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light, for their works were evil.
Can any consideration be so solemn for your soul, for yourself to all eternity? The blessing is yours now if you believe God concerning His Son. He knows all your evil, and yet calls you in sovereign grace. To refuse is to be lost forever it is to despise the Father and the Son. God is not mocked. Be not deceived by the great enemy.