Though I Be Nothing

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 2
2 Cor. 12:11.
Μy Father, can I learn so hard a task?
You must; no more my child of you I ask,
Than He hath done — my well-beloved Son.
Must I be nothing? Must I nothing do?
Nothing, my child. Christ hath done all for you;
You cannot buy, the price is all too high,
Freely I give; — only “believe and live.”
Enough — Give Thou the humble heart, and I consent;
Oh, make me nothing, and therewith content.
My gain is loss, my trust is in the Cross:
Hold me —I’m weak, I fall; be thou mine All in All.
Here give me, Lord, some quiet place,
Where I can work, and yet behold Thy face:
While Thou wouldst have me stay,
Keep my feet steadfast in Thy way: They must not tire,
Till Thou shalt bid me “Come up higher.”
I will be nothing still,
That Christ alone my heaven of heavens may fill.
Yet set me, Lord, a little glowing gem
Upon His diadem; to shed my tiny ray
Among the splendors of His crowning day;
Though unperceiv’d, I still should like to shine,
A tribute glory on that brow divine.
And let me raise one little note of praise,
Though hardly heard among the myriad voices,
When the redeemed church above rejoices:
That it may blend.
With angel Hallelujahs that ascend,
A lowly offering to my Savior — Friend.
Lord, I am nothing — Christ in all must shine;
Do with me as Thou wilt, for I am Thine.