THERE is required patience on our part till the summer fruit in heaven be ripe for us: it is in the bud, but there be many things to do before our harvest come. And we take ill with it, and can hardly endure to set our face to one of Christ’s storms, and to go to heaven with wet feet, and pain, and sorrow.
We love to carry heaven to heaven with us, and would have two summers in one year, and no less than two heavens, but this will not be for us: one, and such an one, may suffice us well enough.
The Son of God got but one only, and shall we have two?
Be content, ye are His wheat growing in our Lord’s field. And if wheat, ye must go under our Lord’s threshing instrument, in His barn floor, and through His sieve, and through His will to be bruised, as the Prince of your salvation, Jesus, was (Isa. 53:9), that ye may be found good bread in your Lord’s house.