Thoughts of Christ

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
How many thoughts of Christ have you found in your soul today? We shall never walk apart from the world save as Christ is in our souls. Has your walk today flowed out of your consciousness of Christ as a living person in heaven?
If the God of heaven is occupied with us, how many thoughts ought not we to have of that God? It is only as occupied with God and with Christ that we can be unworldly.
When Christ went up to heaven, was He not competent, not only to claim, but to keep a people separate from the world down here, in spite of all that Satan would do? How are they kept? is it by what is earthly? No, but by the Spirit of God using truth connected with Christ in heaven. It is heavenly truth that keeps a people looking up.
Has God a right to speak? Does He know how to use human language and drive it right home to souls? To be sure He does, and He says, "Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.”
The Lord Jesus declares about His sheep that they have eternal life and that no one can pluck them out of His hand or out of the Father's hand. But human nature says, How can I know that to be true? How can you know it? What an awful word for a creature to put forth! Far better for the creature to say, "Let God be true, but every man a liar.”
Have you ever thought of God dealing with you, not as to what you are in yourself, but as to where. He has set you in Christ? Have you ever thought that it is the affections of the Father's heart which flow down to us where we are, seeing us in Christ and not in our poor, wretched selves? What we are in self is not the thing to be occupied with, but what we ire, and where we are, in Christ. We also delight in what there is in the living affections of the God of glory who has raised us up together with His Son and has given us all heavenly blessings in Him.
G. V. Wigram