To observe the distinction between the old and new creation, is absolutely necessary for the edification of truth, whether prophetical or evangelic.
In the OLD creation, all being made to depend on the volition of the creature, failure was the consequence, as all Scripture shows.
The penultimate dispensation, the millennium, like all the conditional covenants which have gone before, shall serve to shew the terrible effects of conditionality—the failure on the part of man, whenever any conditions are propounded to him by his Maker.
The millennial dispensation, resulting in the rebellion of all the nations of the earth against God, (Rev. 20:8, 9,) and that too with the glory of Jehovah, (Is. 60:1,) and the horrors of the lake of fire (Is. 66:24,) before their eyes, shall set before the universe the last proof of the fragility of all that depends on the will of the creature.
In the NEW creation, on the contrary, nothing shall be left to the will of the creature. All shall be kept by the power of God. In the meantime, we who have believed do enter into rest. (Heb.4:9.) For although the new creation, as far as visibility is concerned, begins with Jerusalem, (Rev. 14:4. Is. 65:18,) yet in the meantime the new creature in Christ Jesus, (2 Cor. 5:17,) being part of the new creation, is kept by the power of God. KEPT BY THE POWER OF GOD (1 Peter 1.) is the distinguishing mark of the new creation, and of all that belongs to the new creation, whether it be man, the earth, or Jerusalem. The words, “God shall be all in all," may be profitably considered with reference to this subject, and in contra-distinction to unregenerate man. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty, and security also. Where the Spirit of the Lord is not, there is neither the one nor the other.
This being premised, the millennium may be defined as the seventh millennium of the world predicted by prophecy, and typified by the Sabbath day as the BEGINNING of eternal rest, which, dawning first upon Jerusalem, subsequently overspreads the new earth.
As the seventh millennium brings rest and glory to Jerusalem, so the eighth millennium brings rest and glory to the earth in general, now become the new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness.
During the seventh millennium, or, as it is generally called, the millennium, the Jew shall shine pre-eminently be the first-fruits (Rev. 14:4) of terrestrial glory, (Is. 60:1,) the first-fruits of the new terrestrial creation; and the' Gentile shall acknowledge the brightness of that pre-eminence. (Is. 60:14.) The latter, however, being placed in a state of probation under a conditional covenant, and not yet constituting a part of the new creation, shall be deceived and destroyed; (Rev. 20:9, 10;) thus affording an additional proof of the fragility of everything not "kept by the power of God."
Jerusalem being itself first purged by the spirit of judgment and by the spirit of burning, (Is. 4:4,) shall be holy unto the Lord; it shall not be plucked up nor thrown down any more forever. (Jer. 31:40.)Invested with heavenly glory, (Is. 60:1,) shining on with that glory through the millennium, (Is. 60:11,) fearing no treason within, (Is. 52:1,) defying all violence from without, (Is. 54:17. Rev. 20:9,) surviving the conflagration of the world by fire, (as Noah's ark survived the destruction of the world by water,) it shall emerge from the fiery flood, the bright, the immortal nucleus of the new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
On this new earth a righteous race (2 Peter 3.) shall which righteous race, it is well to be observed, rises upon our view at the end of the seventh, and at the beginning of the EIGHTH MILLENARY, in fulfillment of the type of circumcision on the EIGHTH DAY, (Gen. 27:12,) of which type Adam's race, circumcised in heart at the beginning of the eighth millenary, is the proper explanation and antitype.
The Pentecostal type teaches the same doctrine, refers to the same period, and bears upon the same point. That effusion of the Holy Ghost (great and glorious as it was) which, when the seven Levitical weeks had run their course, (Lev. 23:15,) was poured forth upon men of every nation under heaven, (Acts 2.) shadows forth the spiritual circumcision of the human race when the seven millenaries shall have run THEIR course.
This spiritually circumcised race shall be reinstated in paradisiacal innocence and happiness, like Adam before his fall; but with this difference: Adam was left to his own will—these shall be kept by the power of God—ruled over by the saints of the Most High. (Dan. 7:18.)
The seventh chapter of Daniel gives a general outline of the history of the kingdoms of the earth, reaching to the remotest ages of eternity. The general conflagration of the earth is not expressly mentioned in this chapter, though darkly shadowed forth perhaps by the "fiery flame," (pre-millennial,) mentioned in the ninth and tenth verses. The conflagration of the earth (a fit subject to arouse the scoffer and infidel, therefore it is urged by the apostle Peter—2 Peter 3) does not stop the course of terrestrial affairs, or hinder the fifth kingdom from succeeding to the fourth.
Although the inhabitants of the new earth shall be partakers of terrestrial and not of celestial glory, there is nothing in this economy to diminish the luster of that heavenly glory of which Abraham himself, and those who have Abraham's faith, shall have been made partakers. All who have Abraham's faith in this and former dispensations, whether Jews or Gentiles, (Rom. 4:11, 12; 9:24. Gal. 3:28,) shall be partakers of heavenly glory.
Here, therefore, let us pause for a moment to observe where the distinction between Jew and Gentile does, and where it does not, obtain.
During the Mosaic dispensation, this distinction did exist. During the present dispensation, it does not exist. In the heavenly state, it does not exist. During the millennial dispensation, this distinction shall exist again. In the postmillennial dispensation, that is, in the new earth, this distinction shall not exist; for then all the inhabitants of the earth being Jews in the strictest sense; (the term " Jew " carrying in its very etymology the notion of conversion to God,) PRAISE shall be universally the character of that ultimate state into which the terrestrial history shall resolve itself.
When we read that the name of the Lord shall be PRAISED from the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same, (Ps. 113:3,) how can we deny that the earth shall then be inhabited by JEWS? Jews they shall be in every sense, as well outwardly as inwardly; outwardly, because of their actual descent from Abraham, the destined heir of the world; (Gen. 17:5. Is. 17:6. Rom. 4:13;) and inwardly, because of that circumcision of the heart which constitutes a Jew in the best and truest sense. (Rom. 2:29.) The nations of the earth being destroyed by fire at the end of the millennium, the new earth is peopled from the preserved nucleus, already mentioned, and from the stock of Abraham, the heir of the world. The promise, " be lord over thy brethren, and let thy mother's sons bow down to thee," (Gen. 17:29,) has never yet been fulfilled The seed of Jacob, sent forth to prosper to the east, west, north, and south, is a thing to be brought to pass completely in the postmillennial state. (Gen. 28:14.) Over and above the spiritual sense (which I do not deny) of these predictions, there is a literal and terrestrial sense in which Abraham shall become the father of many nations. (Gen. 17:5.) In the midst of a whole world of Jews, the family of Joseph shall be pre-eminent. The exaltation of Joseph's sheaf (Gen. 37:7) is reserved for the postmillennial state. The descendants of Joseph (rejected by, and separated from, his brethren, but subsequently set over them) shall be exalted in the postmillennial earth—a retrospective and eternal type of the Savior.
In the meantime, it is most necessary to bear in mind the distinction which has been so often adverted to between the glory of the celestial and the glory of the terrestrial; between the family on earth and the family in heaven. (Eph. 1:10; 3:15. 1 Cor. 15:50.) For he who would freely discuss the terrestrial prophecies of the Bible, is in danger of being accused of propounding the diminution, interruption, carnalization, or loss of the heavenly glory of those who shall be made like unto Christ. Whereas, nothing is more certain than that all we who are now made partakers of the divine nature of Christ, when we depart this life, (Phil. 1:23,) shall be like Christ in glory, in indefectibility, in administrative beneficence towards the lower creation. (1 John 3:2.) Moses and Elias, with the crown of glory on their heads, were actually seen on the mount, conversing with Jesus on the affairs of this earth. (Luke 9:30, 31.) Extend the picture; amplify the thing suggested; and you have the outline of the celestial and terrestrial economy of the postmillennial or eternal state. The children of the resurrection are as the angels of God in heaven. (Matt. 22:30.) The place of their abode is the new Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven, (Rev. 21:2. Heb. 12:22.) and the new earth shall be the place not so much of their habitation, as of their reign. Like the angels who heretofore were sent on beneficent missions to the earth; like Him who came not to be administered unto, but to minister, and who showed by example, as well as by precept., that it is more blessed to give than to receive; (Acts 20:15;) they are made unto God kings and priests; (Rev. 1:6;)relative terms, necessarily supposing the existence of an inferior creation, the scenes and subjects of royal and priestly ministrations, to whom they shall administer as the angels of God in heaven. Thus the work, as well as destiny, of the Church rises on our view.
The existence, the ministry, joys of the angels of God, are revealed on purpose to show the happiness of beings whom God sends forth to do good to others, and to encourage us to go and do likewise, by the assurance of a similar—aye, of a better destiny. A better destiny! What! Is it possible to conceive a post more fraught with happiness than theirs who, living in the glory and presence of God, are sent forth on messages of good to mass? Yes! When sin on the part of man, opposition on the part of Satan, indignation on the part of God, shall be no more; then shall the glorious liberty of the children of God be manifested; then shall he seen the glorious destiny of the Church, and the beneficent effects of the kingdom to which they are appointed. Angels were not appointed to such a kingdom. Angels never hindered the fall of man. To do so shall be the glorious commission of the Church of God. (Eph. 3:10.) Therefore they shall reign with Christ! If it be a happy thing to remedy, how much happier it is to prevent, the approach of evil! If it be a happy thing to soothe the sorrows, rebuke the sins, and guide the steps (such was the office of the angels) of fallen man, how much happier it is to prevent his fall! If it be a happy thing to administer angelically to the welfare of a world wherein dwell sin and misery, how much happier it is to administer angelically to a world wherein dwells righteousness!
As the incarnate and risen Jehovah showed, after His resurrection, that Re was man after all, that He had flesh and bones, and that neither death nor resurrection had refined away his human sympathies; so also the Church of God, exalted in glory and made like unto Christ, far from being divested of human sympathy, shall find their employment and delight in administering, in the restitution of all things, to the welfare—above all, to the SECURITY of Adam's race.
This was included in the oath which Jehovah sware to Abraham. This was foreshadowed in the vision which He showed to Jacob. This latter patriarch, when he saw the angels of God ascending and descending upon the holy land, (the very spot which, in the spirit of prophecy, he described as the gate of heaven, Gen. 28, the future channel of communication between heaven and earth,) saw something of the glorious Church, something of the destiny of the children of the resurrection. (Matt. 22:30.)