Throw It Away.

“WHAT is a soul? “asked a little boy, who had been listening to his mother reading poetry to a friend.
“Something inside you that tells you when you do wrong,” was the answer.
“When I am a big man,” said the little fellow, triumphantly, “I’ll take and tear it out of me, and throw it far away.”
Dear children, the precious soul can never be got rid of, and you are so precious to the Lord Jesus that He gave His own life-blood that you might never perish. Will you say, “I will throw it away? “He, the God who made all things, asks you, “My son, give Me thine heart” (Prov. 23:26), and He will take such care of you that you “shall never perish,” neither shall any pluck you out of God’s mighty hand. (John 10:2.8.)